28 November 2011

Math U See Color Coded Card

Bug really struggled remembering the colors that go with the numbers with Math U See. I had made up this card for her. It was such a big help for her. She no longer needs to use the card.

Little Man is doing Math U See and was having some difficulty. He has to count some of the blocks often enough that it makes math drag out. He already know how to count to 10. I don't see the point in making him do it all the time. I pulled out the card that I made for Bug. He is picking up the number with the color quickly.

It is also handy for those numbers that get reversed often. On the back side I have 0-20 written out along with the color code for 1-10.

I used my computer and printed out the numbers out on card stock. I used colored pencils to match the Math U See block colors. Of course I laminated it!

Hope that helps you if you are using Math U See with your younger ones. I sure did make life easier for me!


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