
29 February 2012

Transportation Museum Field Trip

Last week the kids had a fun field trip at the Transportation Museum. By far one of  Little Man's favorite things-trains. Lots of excitement on his end! Bug had fun climbing into all the different trains and exploring them.

All aboard. Grab your boarding pass as I share our field trip with you.
This was our families favorite train. The Santa Fe built in 1938 locomotive #3768. (4-8-4) Baldwin steam locomotive, former AT&SF Railway. It was originally built as a passenger train to service between Colorado and California, but did some service in Kansas. It was taken out of service in 1953.
 Happy smiles all around.
This is the inside of the Santa Fe engine room if that is what you call it.
The tour guide lifted all the kids in the group and helped them ring the horn on this giant. Then we all went outside while he did the horn. Wow, it didn't sound that loud inside the train.
Next stop, the caboose. This is a former Santa Fe caboose built around 1950. It was a living quarters for the conductor and brakeman while they were working. I couldn't imagine having to live in this for days at a time while traveling.

Still smiling in the blowing, cold wind. It was even colder inside the trains.
Bug had a hard time getting to the top but it was worth it once you got up to the top.
You can see all of downtown Wichita. Which isn't that big but. kinda neat when your a kid in a train.
So much to explore and see!
One happy boy. Who went home and built his train track and played hard in his train city.
One of my favorite pictures of this trip. Bug looking mischievous and up to something. I just can't figure out what. She was giggling up there and having a good old time by herself.


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