09 March 2012

Week In Review-Week #26

We are in Sonlight Core C week #26.

Scripture memory this week:

Revelation 6:20

We are still doing "The Narrow Way" by the Parables and Reading some from, "The Beginner's Bible".


We are reading"Twenty-one Balloons". We re-read some of the kids favorites, "Inch by Inch" by Leo Lionni and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.
 For our poetry "Aesop's Fables" and we started, "Poetry for Young People The Seasons".

 Physical Education
This week was an off week for PE since we don't participate in Dodge Ball Day. Not that I don't like dodge ball it's just nice to have a day off every 8 weeks to play catch up on our busy schedule.

We canceled all of Monday's therapy this week with Bug having a fever over the weekend and a terrible cough. We did do school.
Bug did do Horse Therapy and she had a great time and begged to make the horse trot a lot this time. I am told that she has done extremely well .
We were asked if we would participate in their fund raising event at the end of the month. The therapist wants to do her demonstrations with Bug.  Her enthusiasm on the horse is contagious. Bug laughs and she entertains who ever is in the area.

Little Man will get to ride a horse at the event also.
 Window on the World

This week we learned about different cultures and the believers in the Navajo Indians.
Next we touched on the different refugees all over the world. We talked about the camps and the reasons they had to flee their homes and sometimes the country. We spend some time on the Kurds in Iraq since we have a close friend who spent a lot of time there in the 90's and she has sent us pictures and items from the region.
We stamped our passports and located the regions on the map.

History & Geography
History this week was filled with all kinds of information on the different Revolutions in the world. Starting with the American Revolutions. The kids learned about Benjamin Franklin, which we watched a show on YouTube about him and his inventions. They met Thomas Jefferson and learned some about George Washington's military career up until he became the first president. Of course you can't talk about the American Revolution and not learn about the Declaration of Independence.

Next the French Revolution and we met Napoleon Bonaparte and Wellington. The battle of Waterloo which we played with army men. 

As Little Man said, "Wow mom lots of fighting going on." We learned about the revolution in Haiti and in South America. 

We filled up our passports and found the places on the map.

We worked hard on our Kansas History and learned about Emilia Earhart and Emmett Kelly the clown. 

Bug worked on her Lifepac this week in California and she is learning about the Imperial Valley and how they grow lettuce.


We finished making s solar system mobile. Which was a lot of fun doing with the kids. Bug wanted me to add in an asteroid field. So we strung up pony beads on fishing line to put it after Mars.
Little Man was amused with the whole thing and wants one in his room now. I bought this set at the Dollar Tree. We made the sun out of some die cuts that I had left over from something.

We are still learning about batteries and did some experiments.
 Yep, my little Bug has a bird's nest in the back of her hair. She was still not 100% and wanted to do school still. So she stayed in her pajamas and did lots of school on Monday.

Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies
Completed math, language arts, spelling, and reading this week. We had lots of Feast of Lots or better known as Purim activities going on this week.
 Overall a good week considering my little girl was feeling a little under the weather.
My trooper doing her Math. Unfortunately, I don't thing Little Man would do this if he was sick. Good thing he doesn't get sick to often.


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