09 March 2012

Not this Time by Vicki Hinze

Not This Time is the 3rd Book in Vicki Hinze Crossroads Crisis Center Series. This book can easily be read without the first two books in the series. It does make it more interesting knowing the first two books history.

Seagrove Village located in western Florida is a quiet small town. Police Detective Jeff Myers arrives late to the re-marriage ceremony of Harvey and Roxy only to find everyone unconscious. Everyone at the ceremony is laying all over the ground. A chemical smell is quickly dissipating and five of the women have strings tied to their fingers and Clyde Parker is dead. To top off the mystery the groom on top of the cake is missing. NINA is immediately suspected of being behind the attack.

Sara and Beth have built a mutli-million dollar business together. Their relationship is tight and have been the closes of friends. That is until Sara marries Robert. Sara is not herself and Beth is concerned for her. Sara won't share anything about what is troubling her. Beth doesn't trust him and her dislike of Robert well known in the village.

Sara is frantic that night after the terrorist attack, she hasn't heard from her husband who was on his way to New Orleans. Her best friend and business partner Beth comes to stay with her until they know what has happened to Robert When his car is found without Robert and his blood in the car. A note is left saying, “Robert had been kidnapped for ransom.” The worst is suspected and Sara ends up in the hospital fighting for her life. Beth is Jeff's top suspect in Robert's kidnapping.

The Shadow watchers are back and Joe knows Beth is innocent of any wrong doing. The Shadow watchers are on the case helping the local police department unravel the mystery before others are killed.

Not knowing who to trust in the village anymore after it has been determined that NINA has an agent inside the village. Why is NINA so interested in Beth and Sara business? Is Robert really an innocent victim or is he an agent of NINA? You will have to read the book for yourself.

The book grabs you from the first page and keeps you wanting to finish the book quickly. The characters are well written and real people. If you love books about faith, suspense, romance, and action-packed novels you will love this book. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Suspense.

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from Waterbrook for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.


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