01 April 2012

Week In Review-Week #29

We are in Sonlight Core C week #29.

Scripture memory this week:

Revelation 6:20 and reviewed all previous learned scriptures. 


We are still doing "The Narrow Way" by the Parables.

Our read-out-loud this week is, If you...Traveled on the Underground Railroad.

For our poetry "Aesop's Fables" and "Poetry for Young People The Seasons"

 Physical Education

No PE this week with Bug having to do a colon cleanse on Tuesday.

 Therapy and Appointments
Only by the grace of God were we able to accomplish what we did in school. Yes, we had another filled week, which wasn't suppose to be so crazy. Last Friday Bug's Doctor called and had scheduled her to see the Gastroenterologist Dr. immediately instead of waiting until July.

So right after her therapy we went straight to the Dr. office. The Dr. immediately schedules an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy for Wednesday morning. That meant Bug could only have Jello, Broth, water, Popsicle. Which the only thing she really likes is water. She had to drink lots to get the Mirlax down. She tolerated some Jello and a a few Popsicles. 

Both test came back good and they took a couple of biopsy to have a future baseline if they need to go in again. It still doesn't explain why she is bleeding but they do know that in her chromosome deletion area that it has a higher percentage of colon cancer and they wanted to rule that out.

 Window on the World

This week the only country in this book was Zimbabwe. We read up on the country. Had fun finding what kind of animals live in this part of the world. We prayed for the country and talked about the orphans in the country. Located Zimbabwe on the map and stamped our passport.
History & Geography

This week I decided to focus on slavery still since we had such a limited time in our week. We read a few different books on the subject. We learned some more about Abraham Lincoln before he became the 16th President.

We read about Thomas Edison and some of his inventions and how they impacted that generation and how he has made some inventions that we appreciate even today. 

Other inventions were the steam engine and the steamboat. We played trains afterwards.

Our last project this week was on planning a farm. The kids had to draw a farm. They had to decide where to put the house. Where to plant the fields if it would be better by a river or away from the river. Then we learned about some of the inventions that helped the farmers.

Little Man go comfortable on the table planning his farm.
Bug choose to sit in a chair and do her farm planning!

After school was done they went a little farm planning crazy. I think they need to buy some more land to maintain all the animals.

 They even decided that they lived next to each other and would share in caring for the animals. The cows are marching to Bug's farm. The bugs, reptiles, and birds are matching to Little Man's farm.
 It is Sunday and the classroom is still looking like this. We have no energy to walk into the room to pick it up.

 Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies 

We managed to finish the 3 R's this week.  I am not even going to worry about what we didn't finish. I am grateful that we got done what we did.
Little Man had some problems this week. More like a heart condition with an attitude when it came to doing his math and language arts. He had to finish school with Daddy-which means he was in a lot of trouble when I make him do that. He just refused to do his work. 

Mom was tired of messing around with attitudes and he was disturbing Bug trying to do her work. With much pouting in his room he ran because he didn't want to do it. Bless his heart I know it has been another long and tiring week. School is a priority and it has to be done. Does this look familiar in your home at times. 
So he finished even with an attitude with Daddy and has had many privileges taken away. Needless to say he was in much trouble. I was surprised he did the same thing with Daddy. Don't think it will happen again:0) My little boy is testing the water.

Blessing may the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face smile upon you. 


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