30 May 2012

Homeschool Convention Anyone

This coming week is our local homeschool convention Teaching Parent Association. If you live in Wichita, Kansas or the surrounding areas you can still stop by. For more information you can go follow this link.

This year I am excited to hear one of the Featured Speaker - Dianne Craft. I am always on the look out for anything to do with struggling learners for Bug. I have looked into some of her products but haven't tried any of it.

The keynote speaker is  Todd Wilson-some of his topics will be “Lies Homeschoolers Believe”, “Get REAL”, and “Choose the Hard Things or How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up”

Friday, I will do my shopping and do some of the workshops. I don't have a lot of shopping to do as I am pretty much done for the most part. 

Saturday, I will just attend the workshops. I will not be able to stay the whole day as my beloved is needing me down at the synagogue as our Rabbi and his wife or out of town. My beloved knows I enjoy the convention and wouldn't ask unless he needed me.

Needless to say I will miss some of the workshops I was looking forward to hearing- but- I can always have a friend pick up the session for me- as they record the workshops.

I don't get to many days without my kids. Convention time is one of the few days that my mother- in-law watches the kiddos for me. It's nice to look around and talk to people and not worry about all the drama that Bug can and will most likely dish out.

By the time convention is over my heart aches and I want to hold my kids for awhile. I am so attached to my kids that the 2 days of convention make my heart lonely for them. How am I going to handle Israel when we for two weeks next year!!!!!!! Sigh.

Here I come convention. Nothing better for a homeschool mom than books, and more books. The touch and feel of new curriculum. Exploring new things. Then wondering where will I store it? Okay, so this year won't be anything like that. Since I have just about everything I need. I still have the concern of where am I going to store it all.

Have a blessed day.


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