20 July 2012

Our Vacation

Our Vacation to Woolaroc Museum & Wildlife Preserve at the beginning of the month.

Water Buffalo
Bug loved the kachina dolls.
Mom liked the pottery.
More pottery. This museum was large. What perfect timing for next year's study of early American history. I came up with many craft ideas at the museum for the Native American part.
Little Man loved all the arrow head art. This was just one of many pictures-stunning!
Wonder quote by Abraham Lincoln, "Property is the fruit of labor...property is desirable...is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built."
 Little Man is such a clown and likes to act out everything.
 More dolls.
 Here he is again pumping gas. The kids played in this area for awhile.
 My sweet Bug.
 Makes me grateful for my air conditioned van. Amazing seeing what families would have to carry on the trip westward.
 Little Man showing Bug some love. her knees where starting to hurt her.
 The over hang looking over the lake at Woolaroc. This area made mom nervous-poisonous ivy everywhere. It was fun climbing up and down the steps. I am sure mom took some of the fun out of it. Mom, kept yelling,"stop poison ivy right in front of you." I couldn't help it I didn't want my babies to get poison ivy!
 Little Man and Dad went ahead so they could explore away from mom's poison ivy seeking eyes. Little Man kept telling me" he was checking to make sure he wasn't getting into any now that he knows what to look for."
 Adorable. It looked so fragile with its shaky little legs.

 Voted the favorite to pet. Llama's are so soft. It was hard to stop.
Bug was giving the llama an ear full. 

We had a great day in Woolaroc. Now we head into Oklahoma for the 4th of July. Have a blessed day.


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