23 July 2012

Tulsa Zoo and a Very Hot Day

The next day we arrived at the zoo bright and early.
 The kids favorite part was riding the camel.
 Little Man pointed out," that they got to ride the camels first before Mom and Dad get to." We told the kids we get to ride a camel next year on our trip to Israel.

 Then the camera went away as it was so hot. We had to get a wagon for Bug. All the walking was hard on her knees. We had fun at the zoo. We ended up going through the zoo faster than we planned. Bug was having to many issues of being overwhelmed with the two day trip of constant going.

The kids loved the hotel the best. It was Little Man's first time in a hotel. Bug was to young to remember when she stayed in one. Having a t.v. and a bed in the same room was the highlight of the trip. Next vacation we could just get a hotel for a night in Wichita. So we stayed up late watching a movie with the kids. Thinking they would pass out from the day-not a chance.

 I am thankful they put us in a room away from everyone else. Bug woke up at 2am screaming and wanting her bed at home. I was worried that we wouldn't be able to calm her down. Finally after an hour she cried herself back to sleep.

We had a fun vacation. Coming home is always the best part. Home sweet home.


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