27 August 2012

First Day of School 2012-2013 Year

We finally started school! It was a good day. I was a little worried how Bug would do with so much down time away from any type of school. In the summer we usually play more educational games and do some things to keep up her skills. Since my surgery, it just hasn't happened much this summer.

 Little Man, my baby is in first grade! Time goes by so fast.
 My adorable Bug is in 4th grade. Wow, it's hard to believe I am going on my 7th year of homeschooling! (I did Kindergarten for 2 years with Bug)
 Little Man is not making any faces!
 All ready with new crayons, pencils, stickers, and a tootsie roll!
Bug was more excited about her smarties!

1 comment:

  1. We started today too! One in high school (11th)and one in 5th. **Pulling hair out** j/k It WAS a great first day. Makes me glad I home school! Hope yours was great too!


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