17 August 2012

Hide and Seek by Jeff Struecker and Alton Gansky

In Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan an American military Foreign Affairs officer Amelia Lennon has a meeting with Jildiz Oskonbaeva to negotiate a dispute with the Kyrgyzstan government to discuss the Manas airbase. America needs the military base in this region. The Chinese have offered 10 billion and the Russians 2 billion. Both offers are substantial compared to what the United States is offering.

Amelia follows Jildiz after the meeting only to witness an attempt to abduct her. Amelia thwarts the kidnapping, but now the two women are on the run fleeing those who are after them. At the same time as the attempted kidnapping escalating riots in the capital has just erupting.

Master Sergeant J.J. Bartley has been promoted to Special Operations team leader. The team is on an air base in Kyrgyzstan, just about to start training with two new members on their team, they are suddenly called upon to rescue two women. As they try to locate the women, they start to uncover a dangerous secret along the way.
My thoughts:

Some of the characters are the same ones from Fallen Angel.  I haven’t read the other book. This is a stand-alone book.

 I really enjoyed reading this book. It has non-stop action, suspense, and a realistic thriller. The book is fast past when you get past the first few chapters. You will have a hard time putting it down. The characters are well developed It will also make you laugh at the sense of humor with in the unit. The spiritual theme is wonderful. If you want a little romance in a novel then this is not a book for you. I highly recommend this book.

 This book has been provided to me my by B&B Media Group, Inc. free of charge and in no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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