11 January 2013

Week in Review-Week #15-#20

It's hard to believe that it has been 5 weeks since I have posted my week in review. School has been going good around here. 

We have been busy learning about early Colonial American History. I am going to show just a few pictures of some of the things we have been learning about the last few weeks.
 We had to dress for the Boston Tea Party.

 The kids had a blast getting ready for the big day.
 For the Boston Tea Party we broke out the tea bags.
 Poured the tea into the harbor.
 This is a History Pocket Colonial Days activity.
 Paul Revere and his famous ride.
The Boston Massacre
 Visitors that wouldn't leave the classroom. All we had was a few snacks which aren't unusual. They usually stay clear of the classroom even around snack time.
 This is Rascal
Here is Angel. They stayed all day. Except they didn't learn any new tricks. They sure did cause lots of distractions in the classroom. It gave us a few chuckles and the kids tried to invite them back again. Mom wouldn't allow it.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kids look so happy to be learning history!! I love the Boston Tea Party!!!


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