
11 June 2018

Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God by Arlene Pellican Book Review

How to raise godly children in a godless world?

Do you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle? Against the culture, against the busyness, sometimes even against your spouse and kids… Often it seems like everything is against you as a parent, and your everyday life can feel far from joy-filled. But it doesn’t need to be that way. Parents Rising will show you eight cultural trends that parents are up against today and what you can do to claim victory. 

This book is about growth not guilt. It’s not a pep talk, or a “try harder” speech. This is real help for real problems that every parent faces. It’s a way to focus your efforts so that they’ll be more effective and you’ll be less exhausted.

My Thoughts:

This is my first book I have read by author Arlene Pellicane. 

Our kids sure do face a lot of challenges that we didn’t growing up. The reality is that we as parents have to remember that and act accordingly to the challenges they are facing today and not some 20-30 years ago. I’m an older parent with a 12 and 15 year old. The reality is that I’m responsible to guide them spiritually and my prayer is that they will walk that narrow road all the days that God grants them on this world.

This book comes from a Biblical worldview.  I love the title, “Parents Rising” and that is so true of a statement that we as parents need to do.

Arlene is very down to earth genuine and what she shares is very realistic. It’s not a lot of fluff, and you’re not going to feel like you’re a complete failure as a parent. I’m sure you’ve read those types of books.

In the book she has 8 strategies to help us as parents to rise up to be Godly parents and to raise our kids in a world that doesn’t have a lot of appreciate to Godly principles today. How do we raise today’s children into Godly, independent, and respectful individuals?

Have you ever wondered how healthy your home really is? She starts out with a quiz, which entails 8 yes or no questions how healthy is your home. She has a table with some encouraging yet practical points based of your answers. Then each chapter launches into the strategies.

The 8 Strategies in the book are:

Strategy #1: Amusement Is Not the Highest Priority

Strategy #2: Parents Call the Shots

Strategy #3: Routine and Boundaries Provide Security

Strategy #4: The Bible and Prayer Every Day

Strategy #5: Marriage Takes a Front Seat

Strategy #6: Good Food Served on the Table

Strategy #7: Love Is Spelled T-I-M-E

Strategy #8: Launching Adults, Not Babying Children

I love that each chapter begins with a scripture verse and a short story. The stories let you see the authors heart and that she is no different that the readers. Throughout the chapter she gives you some staggering statistics.  She has some suggestions that you can implement into your home. At the end of each chapter there is a heartfelt question, a prayer, and a Parent Rising Action Step.

She is very encouraging and covers several important topics that we should focus on as a parent. I’m going to say it again; Arlene is very realistic and practical. WE need to be reminded to not fall in the trap that so many families fall into today in this modern busy world.

 I want my kids to make an impact and shine God’s light to others. Not just have their heads stuck in some technology. I love technology myself and think it’s important for our kids to know how to use it. I just don’t want them seeing as the only way to solve the boredom buster. My son gets sadden when he rides his bike around our small town and most kids are more interested in their computer, gaming system, or tablets. Not many want to spend the time exploring the creek or just old fashion playing just for fun. 

I’m not one to get into many parenting books-they just seem unrealistic and full of fluff. Parents Rising is good and I would highly recommend it. It touched me and made me see that I need to adjust some areas in our lives as a family. Thank you Arlene for a wonderful heartfelt book that is needed in today’s crazy world. 

 I received a free copy of this product from Moody Publishers’ in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations


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