29 July 2018

Loose Ends by Jennifer Haynie Book Review

Hot off her first mission as a Unit 28 contractor agent, Alex Thornton wants nothing more than to focus on building a life with Jabir al-Omri, her best friend and boyfriend of five months.

A secret chains Jabir, one with such dire consequences that seeking freedom from it will cost him dearly.  He finds himself caught between honoring those he cares about and being completely truthful with Alex.

Hashim al-Hassan craves vengeance against the woman who deceived him ten years before.  The target of his wrath? Alex.

When Alex and Jabir receive an assignment to find the murderers of a shipping executive, their investigation brings them to the attention of Hashim.  He begins stalking her.  The bodies pile up, and people disappear.

Now, with Alex squarely within Hashim’s crosshairs, Jabir yearns to tell her what he knows.  Yet the truth may destroy both her and those she loves the most.

My Thoughts: 

“Loose Ends” is the second book in the Unit 28 series, the first book being Panama Deception.  I haven’t read the previous book and this is the first time I have read any books from author Jennifer Haynie.

While I do feel that Loose Ends can be a standalone book. I felt that I missed a lot of content with the characters as there seems to be more depth in the characters that I have missed from not reading the first book in the series. I think I would have grasped more within the story from Panama Deception. I would personally recommend you read it first.

Jennifer Haynie is an excellent writer. She has a lot of suspense and action throughout the pages. She does a phenomenal job developing the several characters in this story. There are many characters that play a huge role in this story.

At first it was slow and I had a hard time getting into it. That may have been different if I had read the first book in the series. I think it was the characters that threw me at first trying to put who’s who in the book. I would have love a glossary of characters in this book.

After the second chapter I had a hard time putting the book down.  I love a good suspense book that is a fast pace mystery book with a Christian belief weaved within the story. 

Unfortunately, not many Christian authors do a good job at it. I have a few favorites on a short list. Now I can add Jennifer Haynie to my short list. 

The story moves fast as they are hunting for an individual before the terrorist finds him first. Hashim has a personal vendetta for Alex. Alex isn’t aware of her family’s secret and how her family intertwines with Hashim. 

Jabir and Alex are a couple. Jabir intend to ask Alex to marry him. Jabir also knows the secrets of Alex’s biological father. He feels strongly that it is a mistake to keep Alex in the dark with the information. He also wants to respect Alex’s parents wish and doesn’t want to go against their wishes.  

The author does a great job dropping hints that build on the story and a few twist and turns. I love reading books that surprise me.

I’m not going to give away too much of the story.  I would recommend you read it yourself.

Warning Alert: Loose Ends is a Christian book with the character trying their hardest to remain true to their faith. They want to stay celibate until they marry. I also feel that I need to give you a warning as some readers may not be comfortable with some of the contents in the story. It’s has smoking, alcohol, violence without the details, and sexual insinuations (but, no details). The book is very realistic but, does have adult content that is done in a very tasteful manner. No swearing and I don’t feel it crosses the line but, it is a bit edger than any other Christian thriller I have read. You will need to decide for yourself. 

This is an excellent story and well written. Well done Jennifer Haynie. I look forward to exploring more of her books.

I received a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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