16 August 2018


Bug's latest find to add to her entomology boxes. This is a rare find we are told and not at all very common in Kansas but, there has been a few sightings. This little guy could have been blown in by all the storms we have been experiencing. Bug is wondering what the reaction will be at the state fair this year and if they will allow it since it's not a common find in our state. I told her not to worry since she found it in Kansas. Usually, they are in the western part of the United States. Like all insects they don't have borders.

Snakeflies are related to Lacewings. Snakeflies are members of the Raphidiidae family that are in the order Neuroptera.

This has been one of the more interesting finds for Bug. It amazes me just looking at it. Every time I see it I can't help but, thinking what an amazing and creative God we have.


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