06 September 2018

GrammarPlanet Review

For the last few weeks we have been hard at work parsing sentences with a new online grammar program called GrammarPlanet. Parse is analyzing a sentences and then dividing it into grammatical parts.

GrammarPlanet is the based off the popular curriculum Analytical Grammar. This is an online program. It teaches grammar concepts through videos with its online grammar program. You have PDFs to download and print for each unit. Currently, there are 13 Units and more will be added. 

GrammarPlanet is intended for ages 10 and up to adults. There is a free version which is supported by ads. Eventually, they will have an option to upgrade to a paid subscription that will be ad free.

All you need to do is sign up using your email to get an account parent/teacher account started. Each student will have their own account and you will create a separate password for each student. As a parent you can keep track of your student’s progress. They recommend that you work on this no longer than 15 minutes and do it every other day. 

The Videos:

The videos vary in length from a few minutes up to around 10 minutes currently. Each unit builds upon itself and adds more parts of grammar to each unit. At first we started with nouns that we had to label and then kept adding more grammatical parts to it. 

You answer a few questions throughout the video that require a true or false question. 

After the video lesson you then label each sentence with the correct parts of speech. You get immediate feedback on each question. It will also let you know what the correct answer should be. On the left side it keeps track of the answers that you get wrong. 

If you get to many questions wrong you it locks the account and the teacher/parent has to unlock it to move on. I would have to log into my account to unlock the lesson.

Erin Karl presents each lesson in the videos. She is easy to understand and breaks it up in small pieces to understand. They recommend you do each sentence in order. Find the nouns first and then the pronouns and so on. My son was very impatient with this concept and wanted to mark as he was reading the sentence over the second time. This resulted in many wrong answers on his end. The units do get more difficult as you progress.

I like that there are questions throughout the video. It really brings your focus back to the task if you have a child who has a wandering mind. Like I mentioned the questions are true or false questions. You have an option to skip it or replay the section back.

While watching the video you can see what concept will be taught with an outline off to the left side of the video.

The PDFs:

My son thought that the PDFs are essential and have helped him out a lot. You can download them and print them out. Or just keep another tab open and keep flipping back and forth in your computer when you need assistance. The PDFs cover everything that you are learning in each Unit. Erin goes over every concept in the video that you see on the PDFs.

How Did I Use GrammarPlanet in my Homeschool?

I used this with my 12 year old son. I had originally planned on using this with my 15 year old special needs daughter. After using this with my son for a few days I decided to hold off with her for now. I think she can do the program with my help. She has been having a few medical issues going on.

GrammarPlanet is a mastery based grammar program. I was delighted at a free online grammar program being such a solid program. I was actually surprised at how hard of a time my son had with the program. He would miss a lot of questions. When I asked him what the grammatical parts are and what the parts of speech meant he could answer the questions. I’m not sure why he had such difficulty with GrammarPlanet. 

I was very impressed with GrammarPlanet. My son is actually very good with grammar but, wasn’t fond of it. GrammarPlanet is impressive and I know it would be beneficial for him to do this a few times a week. The lessons are no longer than 15 minutes. I think we are going to step away from it for a bit and then revisit it later with my son. Eventually, I’m going to introduce this to my daughter down the road.

Social Media:

Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew are reviewing GrammarPlanet so don’t forget to see how other families are using it in their homeschool. Just click on the banner below. 



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