15 October 2018

Review: St. Bartholomew's Eve from Heirloom Audio

I’m excited to share with you my review of St. Bartholomew's Eve. This is the newest Christian audio drama from  Heirloom Audio.

I received a physical CD for this review. The 2-CD set comes in a stunning tri-fold case. As with all the productions it has an award winning all-star cast: Brian Blessed (Star Wars), Elizabeth Counsell (The Chronicles of Narnia), David Shaw-Parker (The Muppets), Brian Deacon (Bonhoeffer), Andy Harrison (The Secret Garden), and Hugo Dockings (Oliver Twist).

The story is adapted from the collection of G.A. Henty books. G.A. Henty has 122 books that cover historical events in several eras and across many continents. His books are the apex of courage, Christian character, loyalty, and a Godly lifestyle.

I love that G.A. Henty writes about Godly character, Christian values, and about those who stand up for their faith in God no matter what trials you are going through. 


St. Bartholomew's Eve is during the days of the Huguenot's Christians and their desperate fight for freedom to worship God freely in France. Protestants are suffering greatly at the hands of the French Catholic authorities.

Around the 16oo’s Philip Fletcher a 16 year old English lad that comes to stand with his French relatives to fight the ternary in France. 

The two cousins, Francois DeLaville and Philip Fletcher are both brave young men whom prove their loyalty and bravery to the Huguenot leaders. Philip Fletcher distinguishes himself in various battles, and he carries out several secret missions. He is determined to help fight for religious freedom to worship God.

They see many miracles and victories throughout the story.  They meet many brave friends throughout the story. From a young boy who leads them to the officers of his village knowing the danger it puts him and his family in. A lifelong friendship is forged on that act of bravery. 

When Philip and his friends travel to Paris for the marriage of Prince Henri Of Navarre. Things are amiss in Paris when an assassination attempt on Admiral Coligny that leads up to the massacre of the Huguenot’s in Paris on the Eve of St. Bartholomew Day. Philip is left with the task of fighting for and rescuing his friends, family, and Huguenots in Paris. Claire and her brother escape Paris with the help of Philip. Not everyone makes it out of Paris that terrible night.

An enthralling action packed story that is filled with adventure, suspense, and sadness. There are a lot of scenes of fighting and killing. It gives you a clear picture of the Huguenot’s persecution as they fight for freedom without out being overly gory or to focused on the killings and death in the story.

Mom’s Thoughts: “St. Bartholomew's Eve is an amazing, heart stopping, and realistic action packed adventure. I love it when I can show my kids audio drama with characters that have faith, no matter what the odds are when facing difficult situations. Despite the odds even when we can’t see an escape out of the dilemma. God is always with us! My kids are seeing the real quality of a Believer God. It’s never wrong to stand up for God for our right for religious freedom to worship God.” 

My 12 year old son’s thoughts: “Epic battles! I think this one had a lot battles. I love the situation when they are under siege and the situation looks hopeless. Then a young boy starts singing and the whole chateau starts worshiping God. Philip has an unusual plan about stacking un-skinned cattle up against a likely entrance point so they can’t climb over them because they are slippery without their skin. When they try to climb over the cattle it's impossible and they have hot oil thrown on them. The people believe that the plan had to be from God. It was an ingenious plan. Afterwards, they feast on steaks!”

My 15 year old daughter: “I held on to every word while listening to this story. I didn’t want the story to end. I really enjoyed it a lot. I can’t wait to see what the next story is going to be. I’ve already listened to it several times and each time I notice something about the tale that I didn’t pick up the previous time.”

We have indeed listened many times. Like all of Heirloom Audio they tend to be a permanent fixture in my car. You never know when my kids are ready for their next adventure! My son even brought the CD inside to listen while he was playing on the computer. 

Heirloom Audio Christian audio drama is top notch quality in audio books. It amazes me that the audio drama has sound effects that are amazing and make you feel like you are part of the story.

St. Bartholomew's Eve is a great resource to add to your curriculum if you are learning about the Huguenot Wars, France, Martyrs, and Europe in the late 1500s-early 1600s. It will be a nice surprise to let your kids hear history in action. You can also base this on a unit study in your homeschool. The possibilities are endless!

Social Media:

Instagram: @HeirloomAudioOfficial

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