10 October 2019

Meal Prep for Weight loss Weekly Plans and Recipes by Kelli Shallah Book Review

Balanced meals lead to better energy levels and fewer cravings, which lays the foundation for sustainable weight loss. And it’s easier to make these meals consistently if you plan ahead. Meal Prep for Weight Loss shows you how, with 3-recipe and 6-recipe weekly meal plans, accessible ingredients, and a wide range of fun, flavorful, batch-friendly recipes.
  • Take back control―With meal prep, you are always in control of what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat.
  • Everything you need―Get started right away with detailed shopping lists, and instructions for cooking, portioning, storing, and reheating.
  • Customizable plans―Switch up the different plans with a variety of tasty, meal prep ready recipes.
My Thoughts:

I have different dietary needs than my family. It stinks because it’s hard and time consuming to make two different meals. It usually ends with me eating what the rest of the family is eating. I pay the price and always regret it. I have seen freezer meals that families make several meals in a day and then freeze meals for the family. It sounds good in theory just not something practical for my family dynamics.

I was intrigued when I seen this cookbook and hopeful for a solution.The book covers several pages to eating healthy and weight loss. It has a realistic approach with the reality check of genetics, predispositions, and some special health considerations. It looks at weight loss as a life style not a fad diet. This book isn't in my opinion just for weight loss but, for someone who has a different dietary needs than the rest of the family.

There are three parts in this book.

Part One: Meal Prepping for Weight Loss:

The book has two chapters of helpful information on suggestions of food that are healthy for you. The book also goes over helpful tools, equipment, shopping in bulk, planning your cooking sessions, and some tips and tricks to make this easier with your time. It talks about freezer containers, and even reheating your meals.

The recipes take into consideration the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH Diet due to the well researched history of these approaches to eating healthy.  It’s a good approach that intertwines the two foods to create recipes. 

Part Two: Weight Loss Meal Prep Plans With Recipes:

The next section is broken up in four chapters of recipes from Basic Three-Recipe Meal Preps, Batch-Friendly Four- Recipe Meal Preps, Flavor Variety Five-Recipe Meal Preps, and Superefficent Six-Recipe Meal Preps.

Each chapter has a handy shopping list that is broken down by pantry/canned, bottled, package, and prepared/fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs, and spices section. 

It also breaks down the recipes in the chapter by protein, diary, frozen, and equipment list.

The next page is set up in columns by days and meal whether it is breakfast of lunch.

The only page that has a picture of the food is at the beginning of each chapter.

The recipes are step by step instructions that also has servings size and cooking time. Each recipe also states if it is a diary free, gluten-free, Mediterranean, soy free, vegetarian, or  DASH recipe.

Part Three: Batch-Friendly Recipes

The layout is similar to the second part and also has four chapters. The chapters are: Healthy Carb Recipes, Delicious and Healthy Veggies, Satisfying Proteins, and Snacks.

The last part of the book covers the dirty dozen™ and the clean fifteen™ and some basic measurements and conversions.

The Recipes ingredients are items you can find at your local grocery store. There is a good mixture of beef, chicken, seafood, and pork recipes. I love that there is good variety of vegetables and grains. All the recipes can easily be adapted to meet your dietary needs. I don’t eat pork or shell fish but I could easily adapt them to chicken or beef. The author also provides some dairy-free tips and other substitutes when needed.

The recipes look wonderful and I plan on buying a dozen of freezer containers and take control of my eating. This was a refreshing realization that I can do this and make my eating restrictions a reality to feel better. I can easily cook for a week and build up some recipes to last a month with this cookbook.

I received a free copy of this product from Callisto Publisher's in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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