21 April 2020

The Unbreakable Faith from Pilgrim's Rock, LLC Giveway

I’m excited to do a giveaway for my readers thanks to Pilgrim's Rock, LLC . One of my readers will win The Unbreakable Faith Course. You will receive the complete course.

Awhile back I was able to receive the The Unbreakable Faith Course to review from the Homeschool Review Crew. You can read my complete review here.

What I enjoyed about having my son work on this course is that it is equipping him to stand up against those who don’t believe in God. I want him to be able to defend the faith against those who are atheist and don’t believe in a Holy God.

If you’re wondering if your kids are old enough for the course let me give you a few basics. The course is intended for high school students or even adults. If you want to take the course for a high school (1) credit you will also need the two textbooks that are available as a paperback or as a PDF and the online The Unbreakable Faith Course. The course is laid out to complete in 36 weeks or you can easily adjust it for less. You can set the pace you want with this self-paced course.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PilgrimsRockLLC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PilgrimsRockLLC
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pilgrimsrock/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwPS9K7Roo-TdegNHP_Pzg?view_as=subscriber

Now for the giveaway! Enter below just leave your first name and last initial!


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