Drive Thru History® Adventures - Bible Unearthed Review
Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
I have a Lifetime Access to Bible Unearthed in my homeschool. In addition to the course you can join the Adventure Community Facebook Group to discuss and ask questions. You can also leave comments and ask questions at the bottom of the episode page.
Bible Unearthed has three host- Dave Stotts, Archaeologist PhD Titus Kennedy, and Randall Niles one of the lead writers of the program. The three of them interact with one another talking about varies topics about ancient history and archaeology. Titus Kennedy leads the majority of it has he shares topics about his field. This comes from a Biblical worldview.
Here are the topics:
Episode 1- What is Archaeology?
Episode 2- The Impact of Archaeology
Episode 3- Locating Archaeological Sites
Episode 4- The Life of an Archaeologist
Episode 5- What’s Being Discovered Today?
Episode 6- Archaeological Mysteries
Episode 7- Top Discoveries in Bible Archaeology
Episode 8- Getting Involved with Archaeology
Episode 9- Trends in Archaeology
Episode 10- Weird Archaeology
Episode 11- Accidental Discoveries in Archaeology
Episode 12- What’s Left to Be Discovered?
Just a brief overview of the courses:
What are some of the Biblical discoveries in the last 150 years that have huge impact on Biblical history and proving the reliability of the history we find in the Bible.
Another fascinating episode is “Accidental Discoveries” and “Weird Archaeology” how some things where found like the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Terra Cotta Soldiers. Other areas of discussion are the pyramids and how they were built and the Easter Island heads, and other intriguing ones.
You navigate the course at the top of your screen by clicking on the episode you are on. Once you click on that area the video for that course will be at the top with a scroll down window of all the episodes on the right side of the screen. When you complete a course you mark it as complete.
Tuesday- you
complete the optional activity. Not every episode has one and it is optional.
All the activities are reasonable and doesn’t require you buying additional
material to complete them. The majority of them require paper and pencil, trash
in a garbage can, and using the episode page to name just a few things. One activity
that requires equipment is a microscope or metal detector. For example Episode 3
you read a couple of scriptures and using the map try to locate the location of
cities using the geographic context. Another episode has you using either a
metal detector or a microscope, or both with the activity being around coins. My son didn't do every activity but the ones he did he thought they added a lot of value to the lesson.
Wednesday- on
your episode page towards the bottom you have a Dig Deeper articles to learn
more specific details about a place or artifact. The articles are contained
within the website. My son found all these very interesting. He shared with the family what he learned and my daughter begged me to read them to her!
Thursday- they
suggest you re-watch the episode while reviewing the written material and worksheets.
My son usually did this on Monday when he was watching the video the first
time. We used this as a catch up day on reading or on the worksheet if needed.
the worksheet with the short answers. Then using the answer sheet compare your
answers to the answer guide. My son did this himself and he made any
adjustments if needed using a colored pencils for grading.
The worksheets all have a written exposition of each
episode and 5 discussion question.
For the most part my son followed the Monday through
Friday schedule. If he had a heavier academic schedule or another project he
would do several days spread out in two days. In week 3 he had a pretty big
coding project that required more than his average hour daily and he completed
this in two days. It’s flexible and very doable to work in your schedule.
We love this course and love Drive Thru History® Adventures . You can read my review of "The Gospels" , "Acts to Revelation", and Drive Thru History® Adventures.
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You can read more reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew. Drive Thru History® Adventures was generous to let 84 of use review Bible Unearthed. Click on the graphic below to read more.

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