23 July 2010


Another of our critters. Ladybug Land from Insect Lore. My little Bug's favorite bug out of all the millions of them. We did our Ladybug Lapbook while we were observing them change. I actually had both the butterfly and the ladybug habitat going at the same time. I am surprised Bug let me release them. I thought we were going to have a hard time convincing her. She still looks for them in the garden. Everyonce in awhile she sees one in the garden. Not to sure if they are our ladybugs.

I know the picture is not so good on the ladybug. I tried several times to get them focused. Bug would of been sad if I didn't post some pictures on the blog. We released them in the garden. They stayed around for a few days. I guess I must not have any aphids munching away in the garden.

Another not so good photo of the ladybug. Here's for you my little sweet girl! The ladybug pictures are for you to always remember the fun time we had with our ladybugs!


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