27 February 2011

The Imagination Station: Voyage with the Vikings

 The Imagination Station: Voyage with the Vikings. If you or your kids are a fan of Adventures in Odyssey you can enjoy it that much more.

Beth and Patrick are about ready to embark on an adventure of a life time. They are going to get a dose of history face to face when they met Erik the Red, and his son Leif Ericson. This adventure won’t be easy. They have a mission to accomplish after a mysterious letter from Albert is found in Mr. Whittaker’s time machine. They need to bring back a Sunstone, but what does one look like? How are they going to find one when they have to deal with such a hostile group of people who have no respect for the ONE Christian God. Beth and Patrick have to rely on God to help them through some difficult situations.

Filled with just enough of history, and action to get your child wanting to know more about that the Vikings. A few sporadic pictures for those kids who still like them. The print is large and the chapters are short. There are 108 pages in this book. The ending of the book gives you an idea where the next adventure will take Beth and Patrick.

Next year we will be learning about the Vikings in our curriculum. This is a read-out-loud I am adding into the mix. This was a well-written children novel that I don’t have to worry about what kind of stuff my kids are learning. Focus on the Family has kept God the focus in this book.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. In no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


  1. Thanks for the review! This went right on my Wish List! Any idea when it's due to be release?

  2. Denise,
    When I looked on Tyndales website it said March 2011. Its a nice price also!
    Renee :0)

  3. Very nice review and such a peaceful blog. I so wish I had, had the opportunity to home school my children.
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