
14 April 2011

The Knights of Arrethtrae--According to Little Man

 Little Man has loved the Chuck Black books in the, "Kingdom Series and The Knights of Arrethtrae Series." Yet, I have only read Kingdom's Dawn to the kids. I have read both series myself. I know the books are suppose to be for young adults and teens. I can't help myself.

When he has seen me reading the books he is full of questions. "Mom tell me about the knight in this book?", "Who are the Shadow Warriors and the Silent Warriors?" I think Little Man has a run down on the books in both series.

Wonder how I know? I stumbled upon his adventure. I was sitting at the kitchen table and heard all these familiar names and some very familiar adventures going on. It amazes me how much they remember. I have forgotten some of the names of the character in the books. Granted they are all mixed into one playtime for him-I could hardly keep the story straight.

 This is Lord Fairos castle and Leinad's pet dragon trying to get the bad guys out of the castle for the King of Arrethtrae. Don't recall a pet dragon. That's okay he is having fun!

The blue guys are the good knights and the Silent Warriors and the red knights are the bad ones along side the Shadow Warriors. You following along?  

Little Man said, "Mom after the Prince has defeated the bad knights the ships are waiting to take them home to the kingdom across the sea. The end Mom." This adventure has not ended yet, Mom. I have more books to play."  I love it! May the Lord bless you and keep you this day.


  1. Hi! Stopping by from FBH. Now following you. Love your printables and resources pages. Thanks! Have a wonderfully blessed day! http://guidinglighths.com

  2. Hi! I'm a new follower from the Friday hops! Come visit me at www.kortneyskrazylife.com! Have a great weekend and hope to see you soon!

  3. Hi! Nice to meet you!
    Great post! It is wonderful that your son is so interested in his book and then acts it out while playing. The imagination and creativity is great.
    I'm a new follower from the blog hop!
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