Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible by Danika Cooley Book Review
I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew
One of the most important thing I can do is to teach my kids to have a relationship with Jesus. I want them to love reading God’s Word and to live by His Word wholeheartedly and give them Bible Studies Tools to succeed.
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible from Bethany House Publishers is a valuable tool to equip parents to live your life like our Master did and to teach our kids to do the same. It is our job to teach Biblical truth to our kids and not just hoping the few hours at church they spend will prepare them to dig into the Bible and love it.
Danika Cooley is a homeschool mom of four children. She is also an author of several children’s books and a Bible curriculum.
How do we equip our kids with the tools but most importantly the passion to study the Bible by themselves? Danika Cooley shares her family's personal stories as examples throughout, This paperback book is broken up into three parts with a total of one hundred and eighty-one pages. Here is an overview of what I took out of each part.
Part One: You're the Leader- You are your kids' example with what you do. This section has some practical advice to read your Bible with your kids. She goes over some typical excuses from “my kids are too young to understand the Bible” or “there are some tough topics in the Word from violence, slavery, and adult themes”. She shares some ideas for you to use while adjusting the topics for kids of all ages. She goes on to encourage you and says, “Your kids are the right age for Jesus”. It can be done and evaluate each kid and meet them where they are spiritually. Some great tips to overcome concerns and teach your kids the Bible.
Part Two: Faithful Reading-How do you teach your kids the Bible and what it is. What is the Bible, may seem like an odd question for a Believer. For us to truly understand the Bible you need to know the history and how it came to be. There is so much more and if our foundation is built on knowing the Bible then our kids should know these things.
Another point she covered was taken a story and taking verses out of context and making a moral or a spiritual point out of each one and not overreaching. Reading it in context and not just taking one scripture and using it to fit your needs.
The reality is that we need to keep it real for them. Life is full of bad days and too much going on. We need a plan and a routine to always keep in God’s Word without even thinking about it. We need to create habits to read the Bible. I love the section of “Good Intentions Don’t Get it Done”. I have intentions to pray or read but I can easily make an excuse to do it later”. Our kids see that and we can’t hide it from them. A very good reminder to keep the habit so we don’t have to stop and decide whether we have time to or not. So much in Part Two!
Part Three: A Daily Walk-This section covers some practical tips and ideas for you to put to practice what we have learned in your daily walk with the Lord. It ties everything together. She goes over ways to help you memorize scriptures with your kids. Praying with them and studying with them. This is giving them the tools they need. This is equipping our children to Love the Lord God with all their heart and to serve Him faithfully.
My Conclusion:
This was a quick and easy read that I enjoyed. I would have loved this when my kids were much younger. I do feel that parents with younger kids will take an apply more than those with teens in this book.
She does break it up in one section from younger kids, middle school, and high school and has some nuggets. I do feel that it is more applicable for parents with younger kids . That is not saying that the concepts don’t apply to teens. As she states it's more of a mentoring age. The reality in my house the things I did for teaching them Bible principals with my kids when they were younger is completely different as teenagers. Teens come with more emotions and lets face it attitudes and they know it all! Their schedules are fuller. I would love it if Danika Cooley approaches something similar with teens in a book. I know many parents who could use some advice and tools for their teens. This is a wonderful book and I recommend to all parents and grandparents to equip them with the tools to be able to apply the Bible in their daily walk.
Spending time in God’s Word is one of the most essential life-changing investments we can do with our children. I want to lay a solid foundation for my children so they will teach their children. Other members from the Homeschool Review Crew are reading Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible , click on the graphic to find out more.

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