
22 May 2011

Roman Aqueduct craft

Yes, another craft that I was meaning to do a post on. Our ancient civilization study  of the Romans. Roman aqueduct craft. This is also part of the Sonlight Introduction to World Cultures Core B and with Mystery of History Volume I.  The kiddos can even put water down it to see how it works. How cool is that!

What you will need:

1. Empty box of cereal or something similar.

2. Knife or scissors

3. Wax paper

4. Tape

5. Marker to trace your pattern

6. Card board tube from a paper towel roll

7. Large bowl and a pitcher of water

 First you will need to cut the box on the edges and turn it inside out. I made the arch pattern on the cereal box and then cut it out. Make the top part at an angle. Cut the tube in half with around 2 inches longer than your cereal box. Tape the wax paper on the tube. Grab your pitcher of water and pour it slowly down the tube. Make sure you put the bowl at the bottom of the aqueduct! You can decorate the sides and make it look like stones. Have fun studying the Romans.


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