22 August 2011

My Garden

This year has been a challenge with the garden. It's been way too hot too early! I have been able to get a few squash out of it. Not one Zucchini or cucumber. I have even self pollinated my plants because I haven't even seen many bees. Just some striped cucumber beetles.

From the self pollinating I have gotten my squash, nothing else, yet. I will still keep doing it. What is self pollinating? You take a Q-tip and rub it in the male flowers(you will notice the difference when you look inside the blooms) and then rub what you got from the male into the female. Easy to do.

A few pepper have showed up. Not enough to freeze this year. I like to store some for the winter months. The peppers seem to be pretty small in size this year.

Maybe five tomato's out of this plant. The other one zilch! This is a new type I tried this year. It's called the 4th of July. It blooms earlier than most. They are a cherry tomato. I suspect I might get a few more from this plant. I was hoping for some of the big tomatos! 
 This year I planted tomato, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, red and green bell pepper, variety of peppers, and watermelon. My cantaloupe died for some reason. These pictures are from mid-July.
There may be hope for my watermelon. I have a few small melons now. It's too early now to know how they will fair. The watermelon should be larger than what they are.  They look promising these last few days. The vines have went everywhere this last week.
My scarecrows, I have two of these in the garden. I duped them my disco balls. They spin around from the constant Kansas wind. The disc reflect off the sun and it looks like I disco ball. It has kept the birds away from my garden this year.

If you remember my post from last year. I had birds stealing my goods last season. I was all prepared this year. Maybe next year the garden will do better.

We just had a lot rain, and the heat index has been more reasonable last week and all the plants really taken off. Especially the watermelon plants. They are growing like crazy.

The kids and I have had fun exploring, and playing in the garden. In the back of the garden Bug got to plant some sunflowers. They are small still. She is tickled pink that we have sunflowers growing. Little Man prefers the dirt. May the Lord bless you and  keep you this wonderful day.

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