10 November 2011

The World of Animal Book Review

The World of Animal Book Review

Are you looking for an encyclopedia that you don’t have to deal with evolution theories? Then you have found it. The first page of this beautifully illustrated book starts out quoting the Bible in Genesis 1:1. Then you will find a section on the same page dealing with the flood during Noah’s time. You will learn a bit about the kingdoms, classification, grouping of all of God's amazing creatures.

The book is broke up in seven different section: Simple Animals, Worms, Snails & Starfish, Insects & Other Arthropods, Fish, Amphibians & Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals.
With 256 full-color pages, beautifully illustrated pictures filled with information for any research paper or just for fun. You can learn about the behavior and habitats of all types of animals. It includes information about the smallest microscopic creatures to the largest animal in God's amazing world.

This encyclopedia can hold its own weight when you compare it to other similar encyclopedia’s. I would highly recommend this encyclopedia for any Christian library. This is a Christian homeschool must have in my opinion.

My kids love the pictures just as much as I do. This could easily be a unit study by just starting on the first page to all 256 pages. Did you hear that, “You could use this book as a textbook, unit study and  even as a general reference book.”
You might learn something new while browsing through the pages!

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.


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