05 March 2012
Week In Review-Week #25
March 05, 2012
We are in Sonlight Core C week #25 last week.
Scripture memory this week:
Review of all previous scriptures learned.
We are still doing "The Narrow Way" by the Parables.
We are reading"Twenty-one Balloons". The kids are loving this story. They have even asked me a few times when we are going to read it again.
For our poetry "Aesop's Fables" and we finished "A Poke in the I".
Physical Education
Little Man did a lot of running today playing various relay races.
We are reading, "The Magic School Bus Lost in Solar System". We are making s solar system mobile.
We started learning about batteries and will work on unit for awhile. Lots of experiments planned.
Next stop was the local soda fountain shop and drug store.
One of Bug's favorite exhibits
Bug was excited about the American bison which we learned a little more about in our Kansas History.
This week Bug had Speech Therapy. Occupational and Physical Therapy. We are on the final 2 weeks of Horse Therapy. Bug did lots of trotting this session with much joy. She had to hold her arms out like she was flying during the trot. They let Lollipop go a little faster today. She played catch with the therapist while on the horse and had to match cards around the stable while riding Lollipop and direct the horse to go to each spot.
Window on the World
This week we learned about different cultures and the believers in a group of people called the Gonds, and Newars, and we revisited Sri Lanka. We located them on the map and stamped our passports.
History & Geography
We will be carrying over some of our Sonlight week 25 into next week. Due to field trips.
We visited the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties. We learned about a few of the emperors that lived in the Forbidden City. Missionaries started to bring the gospel to this part of Asia. The missionary's eventually were not welcomed and driven out of the country.
The Shogun allowed only a few Dutch traders to live an island in Nagasaki Bay which they were not allowed to enter into the main island of Japan. No other Europeans where allowed to trade of even visit. During the 17th century Holland was the greatest trading nation in the world. The controlled the spice and silk markets between East Indies and Europe.
The the kids and I enjoyed a Japanese tea ceremony which was a lot of fun. Which my camera didn't work. I am need of a new camera as it works off and on.
We worked on our Kansas History notebook and looked up the Wichita Indians.
We are reading, "The Magic School Bus Lost in Solar System". We are making s solar system mobile.
We started learning about batteries and will work on unit for awhile. Lots of experiments planned.
Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies
We were able to get phonics, handwriting, All About Spelling, language arts, and math done this week.
We had a two field trips this week. The first one was at the Kansas Historic Museum with our homeschool group. Which Little Man informed me that," he had fun but didn't learn anything". We did a scavenger hunt and it wasn't a guided tour. Which I was surprised it wasn't set up that way. Last time the kids and I went it was a guided tour.
The kids got to see what the one room school house looked like a 100 yrs ago and played school for a few minutes with friends.
Next stop was the local soda fountain shop and drug store.
One of Bug's favorite exhibits
The kids played at the hands on exhibit making each other ice cream and sodas. Little Man's favorite.
Yes, I pointed out some areas of interest in our history studies this week. Which Little Man claimed, "he didn't learn anything."Like the stage coach.Bug was excited about the American bison which we learned a little more about in our Kansas History.
Then she was excited to touch the hide of an American bison.
Little Man of course liked all the old cowboy guns.
Our field trip the next day was to the Mid-American Indian Center. Which was neat that both field trips touched on our studies for the week.
This is the Keeper of the Plains sculpture which stands some 80 feet above the two rivers here. I thought the first picture looked pretty with the sun above it.
We were able to go outside and see what the Plains Indians live like in a replica of the village. We were told that they use to have a tipi but the wind tour it down. Too bad the kids really wanted to see one.
This is a drying rack for the Bison meat. They talked about the hard work the children use to have to do in the village.
The center is trying to gather all the flags from the various Indian nations. I think he said they have only around 90. There are 350 register Indian nations with the federal government. That isn't counting the sub-groups and the ones that aren't registered as a sovereign nation. I didn't realize their was that many.
My fierce warrior.
The kids got to handle a few artifacts like the bow, and arrow, arrow heads, knives made out of stone, and other items.
Then the pow wow drum. Talk about fun and the tour guide made sure it was loud.
Such excitement Bug really got into it. Mom even got a chance to pound on the drum!
Little Man surprised me at how little he didn't pound the drum. I was expecting him to rattle the room. Interesting!
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