23 April 2012

Horses Therapy Open House

At the end of March Bug got asked to participate in an open house event at the place where she attends horse therapy. It was opened to the public. All the kids got free pony rides. Lots of food and horses of course.
Bug giving Cowboy a hug. He was very friendly and greeting all the kids. Every week when we go to therapy he greets us. Except, I don't let the kid pet him unless his owners are there.
 Little Man having a conversation with Cowboy.
Bug got her wish~to ride a full size horse. This is Annie she is a gentle giant. I was told she has been with the therapy center the longest.
Bug and Annie
 Little Man got to ride his first horse. Which of course was Annie. His cowboy hat had to go in place of the helmet. Which mom prefers the helmet with my baby up on a horse.
He loved it and wishes he could do horse therapy.
The line waiting for the pony ride was long and smelly. Lots of horse poop in that pile behind the kids!
 Bug following instruction on Lollipop during the presentation.
 If you look at the right side you can see a ball. Bug is catching a ball while riding the horse. This is a big thing for her who has always struggles catching a ball. But she is doing good on the horse. I don't think I could catch a ball on a moving horse. Her weekly therapist are very happy with all the leaps and bounds she has taken during horse therapy.
Bug insisted on leading Lollipop out of the ring to his stable without any help. It was precious.
 Donkey rides. The donkeys name is Pippy. He was adorable and stubborn at times.
 This was awesome according to Bug.
I think Little Man was concerned about all the dirt and getting his boots dirty. He gave in after awhile and broke them in. Yes, this is my boy who doesn't like his shiny newer boots dirty with horse poop and horse dirt!

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