21 April 2012

Week In Review-Week #32

We are in Sonlight Core C week #32. 

Scripture memory this week: 

We reviewed all previous learned scriptures.


We are still doing "The Narrow Way" by the Parables. 


I didn't start a new Read-Out-Loud this week. Knowing it was going to be extra busy.

For our poetry "Aesop's Fables" and "Poetry for Young People The Seasons"

 Physical Education
PE this week Little Man played baseball and next week he is looking forward to starting Cricket. 
The kids starting swimming lessons this last week. We have one more week to go. It makes for very tired kids and parents. 

Bug has forgotten all the learned swimming skills again this year. She did jump in and remembered that she can touch the bottom standing up. She isn't crying and screaming at the top of her lungs.
 The teacher is as always so kind. Considering that Bug puts her in a choke hold if she can get her hands around her neck. Usually by the end of the first week Bug starts to relax and lets go some. Unfortunately, this year she is not. Which will be the first time in all the years we have done swimming lessons. Sigh!!!!!!!!! Don't know what to do.
Therapy and Appointments

Bug had Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy this week.

Bug went to her most favorite therapy~horse therapy. The horse that Bug has been riding on has been on a strict diet and has lost a whooping 400 pounds in around 3 months.
When Lollipop first came to the center he weighted as much as a full size adult horse. Lollipop is a Welsh Pony. I can tell the difference just looking at him. I am sure Bug can feel the difference sitting on him since he is not so round.

Window on the World

This week the kids pulled out their passports and located on the map Trinidad. Next stop was a culture group called the, "Quechua." They live in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. 

History & Geography

We spent one day learning more about the Holocaust. We watched some videos on the Holocaust on You Tube. 

We made yellow stars to wear on April 19th to honor and pay respect to the victims of the Holocaust.

I had nothing else planned this week as I knew I would have tired kids and Bug always hangs by a fine thread during swimming lessons. 

 Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies 

We did manage to get the basics done for the most part.

Bug struggled so bad with concentrating on reading this week. Which I kinda expected her to do with swimming going on. 

Little Man read to me, "The Foot Book" by Dr. Seuss and, "The Biggest Mistake Ever" by Richard Scarry. 


We finished reading ,"The Magic School Bus Flies with the Dinosaurs".

At the kids request they pulled out a science encyclopedia, "The World of Science" by New Leaf Publishing and ask me to read it as the next science book. We'll see how it works.

Little Man is also requesting to learn about boogers or better know as mucus. I have no idea what I think of that request. Please tell me this is a boy thing! I am sure there is books out there and the internet. Yuk!  


The kids had a full week on insects. On Monday we had a field trip and met a lady who owns 5 Beehives just outside of town. She owns quite a bit of property and the local farmers uses her hives to pollinate their crops. 

We didn't get in the hives because I had my 3 year old Princess daycare girl. She showed us many things about the hives and how to do a few things on an empty hive. 

With so much land there was a lot of insects. She let use run around like crazy catching them. Good thing I had lots of container in the van. I think we caught some 20+ insects. Most of them butterflies and all different.

Bug had her 4-H Entomology class this week in which we worked on identifying insects. We took our whole case to see what is needed to get her ready for the county fair. Lots of work preparing a case.


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