08 December 2014

Hanukkah Books

 This is a re-post from my blog. I thought I would share our favorites with you again just in-case you are searching for some books to read during this season.
I just ordered a few new Hanukkah books and we will get them next week. I will share those books with you when I we get them.
Every year we pull out some of our favorite Hanukkah books. We usually start reading them around 2 weeks before Hanukkah starts and during the 8 nights of Hanukkah. This is a wonderful time for us as a family to reflect on the Messiah and that Yeshua(Jesus) is the light of the world.
Here is a list of a few of our favorites:
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1. Hanukkah at Valley Forge
 A soldier tells George Washington the miraculous story of how an army of Jewish soldiers defeated a much larger force of powerful Greeks, a tale that provides just the kind of inspiration the General needs. 
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 2. Papa's Latkes
   (This is kinda of a sad story but well worth the read)
For Selma and her little sister, this is their first Chanukah without Mama. When Papa comes home carrying all the ingredients for latkes, Selma is worried. Can they make the latkes without Mama? Selma comes to realize that while Chanukah — and especially latkes — will never be the same without Mama, Selma can still celebrate, and will always remember.
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3. Runaway Dreidel!
On the first night of Chanukah a lucky boy receives a shiny new dreidel, but once it starts spinning it just won’t stop! With a mind of its own, the dreidel spins quickly across the floor, out the door, and on down the street, with its excited owner and family in hot pursuit. Soon the whole city joins the chase to catch the runaway toy. Where is that dreidel heading, and will it ever stop spinning? This is one journey worth pursuing right up to its magical conclusion!
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4. The Hanukkah Hop!  Mommy sizzles latkes as she hums a Hanukkah tune. It's Hanukkah! It's a time to celebrate family and enjoy festive traditions. As Rachel and her parents prepare the house, grandparents, cousins, and friends travel from near and far to sing and tell stories. Together, they will light candles, play games, and eat scrumptuous holiday foods... and, of course, dance the Hanukkah Hop. The stamping, the hopping, and the bim-bim-bopping is sure to go on all night! 
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5. Happy Sparkling Hanukkah 
 This is a board book that my kids still want me to read every year! At Hanukkah time, everything glitters: the gleaming menorah, alight with candles; the mountain of gifts; the table set for a family feast; and the shiny gold-wrapped chocolate coins for playing dreidel.
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 6. Eight Candles to Light 
 This charming book describes a typical family's celebration of the Jewish Festival of Light. After Dad reads the kids a story from Jewish history, the family sings and lights the candles. The kids spin their dreidels, and all exchange gifts. At last the family sits at the dinner table, where they eat, drink, talk, and laugh.
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 7. Arielle and the Hanukkah Surprise This Hanukkah Arielle gets to light a candle on the menorah for the very first time. A heartwarming story that introduces a child to the traditions of Hanukkah.
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8. Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
 Come and join this lovable family of mice at their Hanukkah party! Everyone will enjoy the festival of lights as they sing, dance the hora, play with dreidels, and eat latkes.
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9. Chanukah Lights Everywhere   One crescent moon glows in the sky. Two headlights shine through the window.. On each magical night of Chanukah, a young boy and his sister count more lights shining all around them! Join them as they discover what it means to celebrate Chanukah in a world filled with so many other lights. And look carefully at each of Melissa Iwai's delightfully playful illustrations, in which an ever-growing number of cats and cleverly hidden objects serve as reminders of each day's joyous Chanukah celebration! 
These are just a few of our favorites reads during this Hanukkah season. What books do you enjoy reading with your kids around Hanukkah? 


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