
09 February 2015

Little Man Wins 2nd Place in a Photo contest

Little Man entered The Happy Birthday Kansas Photo contest. He came in 2nd place for his level. 

He was invited to go down to the state capital and met the governor on Kansas Day which is January 29th. He was awarded a Kindle also. Which you could image made him pretty excited.

They do say his name on the video but the last name was completely butcher and nowhere near what it really is. We have a very difficult and long last name!

I got a kick out of the governor fixing Little Man's tie. I wasn't able to go as Bug came down with the flu. So grandpa took him to Topeka for his big day.
Left, David Knoblauch; right, Regan Hedstrom

The Dragonfly and a Lily Pad
Insects seem to be a common theme in our household. Not a bad looking picture that he took. He doesn't even like insects! I think he took it for his sister's sake. With 500 entries in the contest and two winners were chosen from grades 1st through 12th.

Congratulations Little Man we are real proud of you!


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