25 February 2016
Homeschool Burnout
February 25, 2016
have really enjoyed homeschooling my kids and I find great joy in teaching my
kids. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. At times it’s not so fun for me or even
the kids.
are days, weeks, and even seasons that I have lost my zeal. I feel irritable,
feeling overwhelmed, feeling like my kids are behind, and thinking that others
can do a better job teaching my kids.
is homeschool burnout. Whether you are a new homeschooler or a veteran
homeschooler it’s going to happen at some point and usually several times throughout
your homeschool journey.
you feel like:
failing your kids academically.
Depressed and feel like it’s a hopeless cause.
you ready to chase the yellow school bus down the road and enroll them in school?
you feeling overwhelmed with homeschooling.
yourself to how much better other homeschool moms do teaching their kids.
you are probably experiencing homeschool burnout. Even after 10 years I get
burnt out. This last year and a half I have really struggled a lot with it.
do I do when I feel this way?
first thing I do is to pray for directions, peace, my kids, and myself in our
homeschool. You may say that, “I do pray daily”. That’s great but, sometimes I
really pray and lay my burdens down to my heavenly father and tell Him that I
feel helpless and overwhelmed. He is faithful!
another look at your schedule. Are you trying to get too much done in one day? Is
it realistic for each child? Both of my kids are different. If I scheduled Bug as
much work as I do Little Man it would be a nightmare. Her work loads changes
often. Depending on her health issues it can effect whether I can increase or
decrease her school work or even certain subjects. I have to pay attention to
her more so I can adapt it regularly for her needs.
homeschooling isn’t all academics. Remind yourself why you are homeschooling. What
are your homeschooling goals? We often forget that we can be flexible in our
homeschool. Stop comparing your homeschool to someone else. Every homeschool is
unique. Trying to model someone else’s homeschool is a train wreck.
days you just need to relax and do something fun. Go on a field trip, set up a
play date, a craft, read a book snuggled up on the couch, sleep in, and maybe just
take the day off to get refreshed. Take care of yourself and let the kids play
for a day or two.
you overloaded with outside activities? Reevaluate and see if it’s something
that is really necessary. Outside activities can be time zappers that take away
from academics. I am not saying to stop them all. I know a homeschool mom that
does swimming (in the spring), gymnastics, co-op, music, scouts, PE, and sports
camps (in season) every week. Is it really necessary to do that many outside activities?
No wonder she looks so stressed out and is always complaining about being
behind in school. Even doing half of that is a lot. I don’t know how she does
what she does. I use to be amazed by all she does-like she is a super homeschool
mom. Now, I worry about her as her kids are getting older. Maybe the swimming
lessons can be scheduled in the summer. Maybe she could not do PE during the
sports camps. I know that her kids hate being as busy. They have mentioned it
several times to my kids. They don’t get to do field trips and play dates
because they are so overloaded. They barely take any days off. Maybe, it works
for her family as I don’t see the day to day of her homeschool. I know it
wouldn’t work for me.
down with your kids and find out what they enjoy. When I schedule outside
activities that my kids aren’t thrilled about it rubs off on me. There are
things that I don’t give them a choice.
back on the academics can also help. I find that I over schedule every year. I
take on more than we can accomplish. If the day is not going well and we feel
like we are rushing to get it all done. This is when I know it’s too much.
a certain curriculum choice isn’t working out as you’d originally planned. It’s
okay to stop it or do just parts of it. Maybe you can borrow something from a
child learns different. It could be the learning styles of your kids. My kids
are totally on the opposite side of each other with their learning styles.
It hard when it’s something as precious as our kids when we are
burnt out on schooling our kids. Remember you are wearing several hats as a teacher, mom, cook, and so on.
have recently had a burn out and slowly getting over it. Yes, I said slowly. With
moving, remodeling, and an emotional rollercoaster in the last year I have been going
on fumes.
year I tried something different thinking that maybe we needed a complete
change of pace. I changed the way I schedule our academic schedule to put more responsibility
for my kids. Well I’m finding that it has created a lot more issues then it’s
worth at this point. Both the kids and I found out that having something typed
up every week caused a lot of stress. If we had other activities pop up unexpectedly.
Which life happens and it seems to happen a lot with a child with disabilities.
My kids just felt overwhelmed if something had to be carried over. Much to my
surprise with them seeing it on their weekly list it drove them crazy and
caused a lot of emotions. Even though we carried over some schoolwork with my
previous scheduling I guess it just stands out more in my kids minds that they
missed lessons.
have gone back to our old basic scheduling of me just preparing it the night
before. I would put it in our workboxes. They don’t have to check anything off.
If we have something that comes up unexpectedly I would just adjust it to fit our needs. We haven't been using our workboxes so I thought it was a good time to change things up. Boy, was I
ever wrong.
it was that easy of a fix. As much as I wanted the new schedule to work I just
have to accept that it just didn’t work for us. It bugged me as I have several
friends who do this and they love it. I felt like I was doing something wrong.
Then I reminded myself that every homeschool is unique and I don’t have to do
it like XYZ. Maybe when my son gets older we can revisit it. Everyone is much
happier now that I went back to my schedule that has worked for the last 10
years. My schedule was a basic yearly schedule that I planned out during our
break. I had goals, subjects, projects, and books that I had planned out. I
knew how many lessons needed to be done in a year and planned out how many
needed to be done in the school year. I was well organized.
did a lot of changes in our curriculum also this last year. For the most part everything
has been a good fit. I needed to reduce my school budget. With a few exceptions
on two subjects for Little Man. I have had to reevaluate what is truly not working
or is it my son just trying to get out of it. Yes, he would rather be on some
grand adventure playing. One subject was just not a good fit for him and he
felt it was too easy for him and he didn’t like the stories he was reading. It
brought many tears and he did a poor job with it. I found out that the
curriculum bored him and it was too easy for him.
other subject he thought it was interesting and I noticed that it challenged
him. I changed it to not letting it be an independent subject and I have been
reading it with him and working with him on every question. That has been a big
relief to him. The tears have vanished. Praise God it is getting better now
that I have made adjustments.
found that I was irritable because of the kids were stressed out on having a
typed out schedule that they had to check off.
It made me and the kids feel overwhelmed. We just had to figure out what
was causing it. It made me feel like I was failing to educate my kids properly.
I just had to take a step back and pray. Then make adjustments. Even take a few
days off and not just for appointments and remodeling.
only does it happen to us as moms but, kids have homeschool burnout also.
Sometimes we as moms feel great but, are kids are running on fumes. Give them a
break to be a kid and take some time off to get refreshed.
burn out happens to everyone. It’s normal and it’s even okay. Learn to recognize
the symptoms before it gets really bad. I encourage you to type out why you
homeschool and hang it up in your classroom so you can remember why homeschooling
is important to you.
want my kids to have good memories of homeschooling and of me.
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