
18 May 2017

Captain Absolutely Book Review

My son loves reading and finding good wholesome books for boys isn’t always easy. I was delighted to review a book from Focus On The Family called Captain Absolutely

The fun part is that this book is in a comic book style. This was featured in the Clubhouse magazine and is a spinoff of Adventures in Odyssey series.

This is a paperback book with 105 pages. It’s fully illustrated and full color. The illustrations are realistic, bold, and captivating. Captain Absolute is written by Wooten Z Bassett and Illustrated by Dennis Edwards. The age range for this is 7-12 years old.

As a mom I love the Biblical Worldview, character traits, and faith. Captain Absolutely is based on the story of Josiah in 2 Kings 22:1. Another part that is intriguing is the “Big Questions” section which is for open discussions with a parent or a youth pastor about the book. It asks questions like, “Which qualities should you look for in a godly sidekick?” then it gives the page # for you to look up. The Big Questions are already within the pages of the book but, you might have to search for the answer in the storyline. I like that at the end of the book there is a section for characters. It breaks down each individual with some relevant information about them.

My 11 year old son read Captain Absolutely in a short time. I haven’t read the story. This part is my son’s review of the book.

Little Man's words:

Josiah King loves reading books and he works at the library. He lives in a city where no one does any good and it’s just a bad place with no morals. One night two friends are working at the library. Darren is eating sunflower seeds and one falls into the computer which sets of a massive explosion. The computer system is run by nuclear power by the city.

Josiah is blown into a section of banned books that all happen to be Bibles. While he is waiting for help since he is trapped he begins to read them. Radioactive Core is filling the room he becomes Captain Absolutely. The opposite happens to his friend who gets thrown in a room with books on philosophy and becomes Dr. Relative.

In short order Captain Absolutely wants to share the truth of God with everyone. He finds those who fight beside him and then there are the villains who want to continue to do evil. It’s a super hero and villain story with a twist of God’s word instead of other comic book stories.

I like the colorful illustrations and the content of the story. I think the sunflower seed was a bit crazy. Maybe, someone else thinks it was funny. I think I would like to see more books in this series as the story was fun to read. Anyone who likes superhero stories will like this.

That is the review by my 11 year old son. I’m glad he enjoyed this story.
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Other families have been reading Captain Absolutely so don’t forget to stop by and see what they think.


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