
19 May 2017

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

This last week on Mother's Day I had a dear friend die in a car accident. She was a homeschool mamma of 5 precious children. She was a friend who always had something good to say in all situations. She was always smiling. She always gave you the biggest hug when she was leaving. It was like it would be the last time she would see you. She always did this. She was a precious dear sister in the Lord.

I seen her two weeks before she passed away. The thing I remember about her most is her love for G-d and the love of His word. She was truly a Proverbs 31 women. We had the most meaningful conversations when it came to His word.

I mourn for her husband, children, and all those who loved her who have to continue on without her. As a believer I know that one day we will meet again.

 Good bye my dear sweet friend. One day I know I will see you again.


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