
11 December 2017

365 Bible Answers for Curious Kids by Kathryn Slattery Book Review

How do I know the Bible is true? What does it mean when the Bible talks about the kingdom of God? How can God be three persons at the same time? Help the kids in your life find answers to the questions they ask and deepen their faith along the way with 365 Bible Answers for Curious Kids, a unique daily devotional full of biblical answers to curious questions about God, the Bible, and Christian faith.

My Thoughts:

This little book is a hardback book around 8”x9” with 392 pages. There are no pictures on the pages. I would say that the age is for around 6-10. There is a ribbon bookmark to keep your place.

It written as a daily devotion that goes by days throughout the year. It covers many topics that you can read to your child for further discussions. You could easily jump around if you wanted to read it that way.

Each of the devotion has the date at the top, then the topic of discussions, a commentary from the author with a scripture verse or two. It ends with a prayer you can say. At the very bottom of the page it may direct you to another day pertaining to that same topic.

At the back of the book there is an Index of Questions from Time, God, God’s Promises, Jesus, God’s Holy Spirit, The Bible, Topics in the Old and New Testament, Christianity, Prayer, The Church, Christian Seasons, Holidays, and Traditions, Being a Christian Here and Now, Being a Forever and Ever, Big Questions, and Famous Christians.

Would I recommend this book?

NO! I wouldn’t! I found many inaccuracies throughout.

Granted there are a few topics that I thought where well written. I’ll talk about what I felt was good first. I enjoyed the Famous Christian Section and learned something new. This was unique as I haven’t seen this written in this type of a format before. I appreciate May 8th and how they explained the differences between a Jew and Gentile. It was well written and not bias towards the Jews. 

On May 9th- “Why Does God’s Name Sometimes Appear as Lord in the Old Testament?” She does a good job explaining there are no vowels in Hebrew and how it was translated in English. How the Jewish people today substitute God’s name with Adonai, or HaShem, and spelling God’s name by leaving out the middle letter G-d. They do this in reverence of God. 

Now for a few inaccuracies and parts that I didn’t care for:

 January 2nd topic is, “Why Do Christians Celebrate Special Seasons and Holidays” it uses the scripture: You will announce the Lord’s appointed feast as a holy meeting. These are my special feast. Leviticus 23:1-2 The days the author list is Epiphany, The Season of Lent, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, Pentecost, All Saints Day, The Season of Advent, and Christmas.

My Bible says that the feast covered in Leviticus weekly Shabbat, Passover, Unleaven Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets(Yom Teru’ah), Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), Feast of Tabernacle (Sukkot). If I was a child or parent and if I read the scriptures portion first I would be confused if they didn’t match the list she wrote.

There are a lot of other holidays covered like Saint Valentine and Saint Patrick and other holidays that are covered. I didn't care for these as I don't see them as Biblical.

September 13 & 14: talk about Saint Francis and Saint Patrick Prayer. I consider these man-made prayers not Biblical. These are based off a religion. There are a few other dates that are like this also.

April 2nd-“Why Do We Celebrate Easter in Springtime and the Easter Bunny and Painted Eggs” She says that Easter is linked to Passover. Just because they are celebrated in the spring doesn’t mean they are linked. Some European Jews put a roasted Egg on the Passover Seder Plate. It has nothing to do with Easter. Historically the egg is a pagan practice. Jesus rose of First Fruits.

October 30: Talks about Horoscopes, Fortune Telling, and Ouiji Boards-not a topic for younger kids so this is more of a warning. She does a great job explaining these items but, some parents may not want to deal with this with younger kids. October 31 explains that Halloween was originally a pagan practice-nice job.

November 1- What is All Saints Day”-a Christian Holy day that honors saints. Maybe for some religions but, the only honor I want to give is to my Savior Jesus. There are other holidays like this mentioned also.

There are many questions that are helpful in this book but, many that are inaccurate and are not in God’s word. So if you do have this book I would recommend you read it first before introducing this to your children.

I just didn’t care for this book and I can’t recommend it.

If this is a book that you find interesting you can enter to win your own copy by clicking on the picture below.

I received a free copy of this product from FrontGate Blogger Network in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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