
09 July 2018

Tales of the Kingdom 30 th Anniversary Edition by David & Karen Mains Book Review

Twelve stories centering on the adventures of two orphaned brothers who escape a polluted city ruled by an evil enchanter to seek their exiled king in Great Park – the place where trees grow. This exciting set of 12 incredible Gold-Medallion Award-Winning short stories for children of all ages (from best-selling authors David and Karen Mains) offers fast-paced action and engaging characters wrapped up in exciting storytelling that deals with good versus evil themes. In addition, your family will appreciate the beautiful, full-color illustrations, featuring multicultural characters that bring each chapter to life.

My thoughts:

When I first came across this book I had no idea that it was a revised Publication originally published in 1983. I was intrigued as this was the first I had heard of the book and the series.

I received a hardback book in which the authors autographed for me. Thank you that’s a nice touch. This is a chapter book with 12 chapters and a total of 80 pages. The chapters vary from a few pages to maybe 10 at the most. The book is made with quality in mind as it has a wonderful binding and the paper quality is superb.  The illustrations are many and in full color. I love stories with illustrations that have a lot of details. I like looking around them and seeing all the small details in an illustration.

I like to think of the story as an allegory and science fiction story. Age range would probably be 1 st grade to 5 th grade. Younger depending on your child as it does have a few scary parts and the allegoric style may be confusing to younger kids. I have found that some younger kids get it and others don’t.  When I mention scary it does have the death of a mother and her being burned by the Enchanter and a few other things that may scare them. You know your child best.

The main character is Scarboy which is later named Hero. He escapes the Enchanted city with his little brother Little Child after his mother dies and they are hunted by the Orphan Keepers.

 Each chapter is a short story within itself. Each story teaches a Biblical concept within the allegory. Hero meets many new friends while searching for the true King.  I see in the story that sin has corrupted the world. Because of that sin we have to search for truth. Seeking for truth isn’t always easy. It takes faith in believing in something that we can’t see.

I’ll let you read the book yourself to find out the rest of the story.

This is a series of three books. The start of the trilogy is “Tales of the Kingdom” “Tales of the Resistance” and the last book is “Tales of Restoration”.

This book is a joy to read and I look forward to getting the other two books in the series.

 I received a free copy of this product from BookCrash.com in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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