27 April 2019

The Gift the Story of Annie Laurie by Ta’Mara Hanscom Book Review

Noah reached for her hand, and to his surprise she didn't try to get away. He felt the warmth and softness inside of his palm, and he smiled into her eyes. "I know everything about you. I know that you love white roses and brand-new puppies. Your favorite movie is The Sound of Music, and you get up before the sun. You make the best ravioli on the planet, and your brothers adore you. You wear Chanel No. 5..." Noah deeply inhaled, "and it still smells great on you. And sometimes when I look at you, it's like yesterday all over again -- I wish it was yesterday and we could have another chance."

It's yesterday in this sweet, Christian romance. Noah and Tillie fell in love when they were young, and when they grew older it only intensified. Circumstances kept them apart for nearly twenty years, but now they will have the second chance that most people only dream about.

My Thoughts:

I couldn’t wait to get started on the fourth book in the “Caselli Family Series.” The book can be read as a stand-alone but there is so much depth throughout the series. The book does a good job filling in the gaps and summarizing events from the first books. The front of the book you have a glossary of all the characters.  While you may get a glimpse at the series it just would lose its full flavor without the other books.  It’s a continuing series that flows together nicely. You’ll want to go back and read the other books in the series if you haven’t done so.

I just love this series. In book one I fell in love with Noah’s and Tillie’s characters. Then I met Tillie’s family. Then forget it, I was completely in love with the series.

Tillie is doing good and making an effort to keep their marriage together. Alex has finally put his political aspirations last and his marriage and family first.

Things are looking up for them. A span of six years has passed for everyone. Tillie hasn’t had any contact with Noah. Alex still cares for the legal issues for Noah. Then tragedy happens. Noah escapes Alex’s fate with a last minute phone call from Mona.

Life has a tendency to catch up with you. Forgiveness is easier to say you forgive but, letting God help you is another thing.

This story left me crying, smiling, and laughing throughout. I love the characters absolutely all of them. With all their imperfections and love of family the story is just so precious. It also shows that sometimes we interfere with His plans and as a result we all have to deal with those consciences.

There is one more book in the series and I can’t wait to read it. However it makes me sad that the story will be over when I read the last word on the page.  

 This series has been one of my favorites out of the many books I have read throughout the years. I'm always reading something!  

I received a free copy of this product from Reata Publishing in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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