16 October 2019

Brain Blox Wooden Building Planks Review

I had fun surprising my kids with  Brain Blox Wooden Building Planks from Brain Blox showed up in the mail! Even through my kids are almost 14 and 17 they love being creative and building things. I love that my teens still get excited with building blocks.

I received a box of 200 Building Planks. There are other sizes available in the quantity of 100 and 300 Building Planks. I also received a drawstring backpack for storage of the Building Planks. It came with several instruction pamphlets to inspire the imagination. There are also several videos and eBooks to download on the website.

Let the fun begin
Building Planks are made from New Zealand Pine. The wood is smooth, and all 200 of them are milled smoothly with precision cutting. They  are 100% natural and aren’t treated chemically. No worries if the little ones decide to taste test them! The building planks are intended for ages 4-104. They are approximately 8mm x 24mm x 120mm. 
Storage & clean-up ease
 The drawstring backpack is red with the logo on it. It’s a pretty heavy material that will hold up to the building planks and kids. It really makes for easy and quick clean-up. You don’t have to stack them a certain way to try and fight getting them neatly in the box.
All you need to assemble is a few willing hands and an imagination to create amazing projects. No batteries or plug-ins required either. 
 My son had a blast building and as soon as the box arrived he started building. He used the blocks to create the designs that are in the instruction pamphlets and his own creation.
He had fun creating the design's from the pamphlet
My son still loves trains and had fun creating one. Even the cat had fun destroying them before he could complete some of the projects!
The towers are pretty amazing
Bridges are great for cars to drive over
He has created forts with his friends for army battles, made domino mazes and watched them fall. He built things just for the pure joy of destroying it and watching it all tumble down.
There are lots of design videos to explore
The pirate ship in the making
He has created every design he could in the pamphlet a few times and spent a bit looking over the videos and the eBooks.
Here are a few examples of the material you can find with building ideas:
 Brain Blox World Book
 Brain Puzzles
 Epic Build Ideas
 Let’s Build Idea Cards
Let’s Build More Complex
 YouTube Videos
My daughter we used this for working with her fine motor skills and spelling. She did some building but didn’t have the cognitive ability to work on the 3D projects from the pamphlets. She stuck to creating her own projects and the 2D projects.
My daughter struggles with spelling, reading, and even writing. Spelling often leads to tears. I decided to let her spell out the words with the building planks. I let her make designs when applicable with certain words. 

Who say's spelling can't be fun!
 You can see that she spelled flower for me and then she added some grass and afterwards she spelled grass for me. She was so proud of her design that she didn't want to destroy it so had to go spell her next word on the kitchen table! 
Creating Hebrew letters
She also has been going over her Hebrew again. She would make the letters with the building planks and would make the sound afterwards.
I highly recommend Brain Blox Wooden Building Planks from Brain Blox. Your kids will love creating and will have hours of fun imaginative play. 
If you haven’t read my review on Fun Family Chess from Brain Blox you can read it here.
Social Media Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mybrainblox
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brainblox
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpUttakNtthj_haX8LwRlwA

Whether you are just stacking them to create some amazing architect design or making basic shapes they are guaranteed to delight. Other members of the Homeschool Review Crew are reviewing
Brain Blox Wooden Building Planks from Brain Blox also. Stop by and see what they have created by clicking on the image below.


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