02 January 2020

Seconds to Live by Susan Sleeman Book Review

I received a free copy of this product from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.

When cybercriminals hack into the US Marshals' Witness Protection database and auction off witnesses' personal details to the highest bidders, the RED Team led by FBI Agent Sean Nichols begins a high-stakes chase to find the hacker. But before he can even get started, the first witness is targeted and barely escapes with her life. Sean believes Phantom, an obsessed hacker who previously outwitted the top minds in the field, is behind the attack, and Sean needs this witness's help, as she's the person who has come closest to discovering Phantom's identity.

Trouble is, she's a witness under the care of US Marshal Taylor Mills, and Sean is reluctant to work with the captivating marshal who knows his deepest secrets. But Phantom claims he knows where the witness is hiding and will kill her, so to stop the hacker, Sean and Taylor must work through their personal pain and learn to trust each other. . . . The seconds are ticking down before someone dies.

My Thoughts:

Another new author on my radar that knows how to spin an action packed tale. The background she builds up the story with cyber criminals is intriguing and really makes the plot come alive as you dive into an unknown world on the dark web. Homeland Heroes Series caught my attention quickly.

U.S. Marshal Taylor Mills and FBI Agent Sean Nichols are working hard to keep witnesses safe after their database is hacked and information is sold to those seeking out information to those in protection.

The story is fast paced action that keeps you hanging on to your seats. I found the story interesting and even a bit surprised as I couldn’t easily guess what would happen next. All the characters are intriguing and complex. You can’t help to not like the characters. She weaves her characters together to make it feel like you are in the room with them.

The main characters U.S. Marshal Taylor Mills and FBI Agent Sean Nichols have to work together to find the Phantom. They have worked and formed a friendship online but not in person.

Susan Sleeman writes a clean book with no language or s*x. There are a few references to murder and intense moments. The main characters are romantically attracted to each other. There are a few kissed but nothing beyond. Both characters depend on God and you even find them praying throughout.

The story ended faster than I expected and felt like its closure was rather erupt. It does tie up the plot and prepares you for the next book in the series, “Minutes to Dies” coming out in the summer of 2020.


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