
01 June 2020

Page a Day Math Review

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Learning math facts is a crucial part of math and being able to be successful in upper math. The last few weeks my daughter has been revisiting her multiplication facts with a Multiplication Starter Kit from Page a Day Math.

A sturdy box hold all of your books in one place

We received a physical kit of the Multiplication Starter Kit. I also was able to download several of their Handwriting Books Each In Print & Cursive that are in digital content to use in my homeschool: Adorable Adjectives, Beautiful Biology, Fun Physics, Cool Chemistry, Scenic States, Multiplication Flash Cards, and several of the Math Fluency Assessments. There are several other options available. These book are basically copywork books that have words that are relevant to the theme of the book.

Multiplication Starter Kit from Page a Day Math is also available for addition, subtraction, and division in both a physical kit and a digital format. The physical kit is consumable and  intended for only one student. The books are geared towards kids ages 6,7, and 8 years old or those who need some additional remedial review.  

Multiplication Starter Kit comes in a handy box that you can store you books in. The set has 12 books. Each book works on a particular fact family. Book 1 is multiplying by 1 and the last book is multiplying by 12. The problems progress with each workbook starting with your simple multiplication to more difficult facts. All the books have 550 problems in each of the books. 

Fun characters that are appealing to kids

The books are colorful and illustrated but by no means overwhelming with illustrations. The Math Squad characters are your illustrations and look like animal super heroes that encourage you with super math information in the front cover. The characters Mo, Bo, Jo, Flo, and Zo are seen throughout the workbooks.

Here is a sample of a unfinished worksheet. You can see that you trace out the problems and the solution is freehand

The books are open and go books that require no planning on my end. Your student will complete one page a day. This is a front and back page which consist of 40 problems. One book is intended for 14 days of practice. The book is repetitive for fluency. The pages have guide lines to help with correct and neat handwriting practice throughout the book. The problem is traced and you are freehand on the answers.

A brief overview is provided at the beginning of each workbook

The format is the same throughout the books for the Multiplication Starter Kit. First you learn and then your student traces the math problem and then solves each problem. After you have done the first few facts with your child some kids should be able to finish up the work independently. After your child has worked through the problems you can check the answers and circle any problems that are not correct. This concept allows your child to go back over and correct their errors and that way they identify immediately which problems they got wrong. After they are done with the page they can color the stars in the top right hand corner of the page. The review pages are at the end of each book with 40 problems also. 

In the back of the book there is a certificate of completion. The certificate page is perforated and can be removed. 

You can download Flashcards, Progress Tracker, Assessment, and Math Squad Coloring Pages for your kit that you can download and print off flashcards. The information is found at the beginning each workbook where your kids can write their name of who the book belongs too.

Progress Tracker to keep up on all your hardwork
Assessments are available for addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division
The coloring book pages have fun math word problems & all the fun Math Squad characters

How did I use Multiplication Starter Kit in my homeschool?

I have a 17 year old daughter who tends to regress often in math due to her disabilities. It always seems that multiplication and division facts elude her during those times.

The Assessments explain how to administer them

The first thing I did was have her do the Math Fluency Assessments for multiplications. Currently my daughter is at a good place with her math facts. During these times she can fly through her facts without any issues. I am always on the lookout for those times that aren’t so good with her math fact skill. This assessment can be used before you start the books and you can even use it at the end of all the 12 books.

Colorful flashcards for every kit

I printed off the multiplication and division flashcards. I didn’t use them at this time since she was in a good place. Next week that could be a different story and I may need to review them with her.

Completed Review worksheet & several of her completed pages in several of the books

At first my daughter was a bit put off with the tracing the numbers since she knows she is a big girl. In reality this is really good for her having to trace the numbers as handwriting is extremely challenging for her. It helped her keep her focus on keeping her numbers straight and formatting them in a particular space. The space was challenging for her with its size as she tends to write larger. She did a good job maintaining the space and it also slowed her down with her math facts. She enjoyed working through the problems taking her time with writing. I let her use colored pencils and markers while working on the workbooks.

I like the repetitive approach to math facts. I know that this can be boring for kids but honestly it’s the only way to drill those pesky math facts into their minds. In reality you are doing both math and handwriting learning simultaneously.This is a great supplement to add to your math curriculum. 

My daughter said, "Mom I liked this but I wish it had a larger space for me to trace and write the numbers." "I did really good with my math multiplication tables." I personally liked the smaller space as it is good practice for her writing smaller.
The middle photo in the collage shows an unfinished page and the other ones are ones that my daughter did

I also did a few of the Handwriting Books Each In Print & Cursive  with her. This year we have been doing biology with her and I thought that the Beautiful Biology would be fun to work with her cursive. She has liked doing the other ones also. I just added these in for fun as she has pretty much finished 11th grade this year officially last week. I always like to have my kids do something a few days a week in the summer time.

Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PageADayMath/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pageadaymath/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/PageADayMath/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8UIYkpR0df46oOZ05Ncvqw

The Homeschool Review Crew has been reviewing other sets: PreK Math Starter Kit, Addition Starter Kit, Subtraction Starter Kit, Multiplication Starter Kit, and the Division Starter Kit from Page a Day Math. To learn more click here or on the graphic below.


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