23 June 2020

The Art of Writing: Four Principles for Great Writing that Everyone Needs to Know by Peter Yang Review

Discover the lost art of great writing.

Since the invention of writing, the written word has fueled humanity’s astonishing progress. Thus, the ability to write effectively and beautifully has long been revered and rewarded. And yet in the digital age, people have begun to believe that this talent is somehow obsolete: that writing is something unworthy of study beyond the basic mechanics of vocabulary and syntax and grammar, that mediocre prose is acceptable in a world crying out for clear and precise communication. Peter Yang believes otherwise. The Art of Writing is Yang’s highly practical treatise on the four key principles of dazzling, effective writing—economy, transparency, variety, and harmony. Far from your garden-variety style guide, the principles in this book apply to everyone, whether you’re writing an inauguration speech or a letter home to Mom. Great writing is a skill, and this book gives you the tools to make your words shimmer on the page (or the screen). Packed with real-world insights and advice, The Art of Writing is your ultimate guide to transforming your writing and unleashing your inner artist.Fans of The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr., On Writing Well by William Zinsser, The Little Seagull Handbook by Richard Bullock, and Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott will love this book.

This book is for anyone who likes reading about:

How to write

Writing nonfiction

Writing fiction

How to be a better writer

Writing style

Business writing

Writing a book

Find out more about the book or order yourself a copy here.


My Thoughts:

I’m always on the look of for writing resources. As a homeschool mom I want to gather all the information I can to teach my children. I try to educate myself as best as I can. Writing is truly an art that some are better than others but I believe everyone can be taught how to write decently to some extent. Not everyone should write professionally but should be able to express themselves clearly on paper. I’ve learned that every child learns different and writing is one of those areas that I feel I need to look at different resources.

 Mr. Yang’s book was a quick and easy book to read. The writing was concise and easy to digest how he presented the topics. This is a great refresher course on writing. He has 4 basic principles that he breaks up into four chapters. Then he ties it all together in the last chapter.


Mr. Yang focuses on four fundamental principles: economy, transparency, variety, and harmony. He expands on each principle in detail. 

I appreciate how he ties in the artistic writing concepts 1.Could my writing do without it concerning words? 2. Another point is to consider your audience and know their values. (You don’t want to talk about eating hamburgers being essential to health to a vegan audience?) My paraphrasing a point! 3. Don’t be obsessed with perfection because it is not going to happen. 4. Be flexible with the 4 principles in the book as it should be weighed against the context you are writing about.

An area that I liked was the “Crush Your Crutches” which he relates to filler words that are meaningless. Some sentences need to have more colorful words but sometimes we overdo it throughout our writing. Sometimes less is better. This section explained my style trying to embellish my sentences.

This wasn’t a full exhausted book on artistic writing but I felt it was worth my time reading and I learned a few things as a writer.


Find out about other books from TCK Publishing.


I received a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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