26 January 2021

When God Made Colors by Sheri Carmon Book Review


This is an update to my review from May 2019. There has been an update to this book. The author contacted me to let me know that due to my comment about not mentioning Adam and Eve in a section of the story they took it to heart. The author and publisher felt an update to the text was needed to mention Adam and Eve in the context. I originally gave it a three-star and that was the main reason I did because I felt it was a vital part of our creation. Because of the update, I felt that it should reflect a five-star review. I honestly had no quips with the rest of the book. It just goes to show that honesty and professional critique   can make a difference. Here is my original post of the review

As you can see above this photo doesn't have anything about Adam and Eve, which is what bugged me with such lovely story with some amazing illustrations.

This is the update of the book.

I adore children’s books. I love the illustrations that are in children’s books. I just love the stories and the wide-eyed kids while reading them. I also love children's books that come from a Biblical perspective. I miss reading to my kids when they were little. I know all my time spent reading to them gave them a love of books as teenagers.


When God Made Colors is a book that caught my breath away! I love the colors and art.  It had that WOW factor with the bold colors and the lovely illustrations. The book will surely grab the eyes of little ones to let their imagination soar while reading about God’s Creation.


This is a paperback book that talks about the days of Creation up to day 6 with the creation of man. This is a whimsical tale about creation that talks about the beauty and wonder of God’s creation with all the amazing colors we see around us. The story has some creative liberty with the story, but I expect that in a book that isn’t a Bible and for children. However, the Creation story is still in tack and I feel it keeps pretty true to the story in the Bible.

You can buy your own copy in hardback and paperback here.



I received a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the FTC Regulations.


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