12 February 2021

Pest in Your Home and Safely Using Pesticides

Do you have a pest problem in your home or dreading the spring when they show back up? I feel your pain-honestly. What about how to use Pesticides and How to Safely Use Them Indoors? I try to use natural solutions first with success in some areas and other areas we needed some heavy hitters. There is a time and place for pesticides and calling in an exterminator. I invite you to read this article about using pesticides safely indoors. The site has several other interesting articles too.

Anyone who follows my blog knows that I have a budding entomologist. She is crazy about anything to do with insects. Being active in 4-H and the entomology project and beekeeper has taken on a whole new world with a daughter with Autism.We have shelves of field guides on insects, books, and several college bound text. Not to mention boxes of pinned insects, posters, and beautiful moths and butterflies on her bedroom walls. I know more about insects then I would like to confess too. 

She get excited when she finds insects. That is with the exception of ones that have invaded our home in masses. When we moved into our house out in the country some five years ago we quickly realized we had an ant problem. My daughter identified three species of ants taking up residence. It took use awhile to evict the ant colonies. We used a mixture of natural remedies, pesticides, and even called in an exterminator for outside. The ants loved the honey from being beekeepers in the house! My daughter quickly impressed the exterminator with her knowledge and knowing what type of ants had made a home in our house.

Then we noticed we had a flea problem from the ducks and several dogs that we found out where kept in a certain room in the house. Luckily we had a vet up here who asked us if we still need a flea bomb when we visited for the first time.  Not a good sign as we thought the problem was just outside. Obviously, it was inside too and a flea bomb was used regularly with the last owners. We ripped out carpet, removed some over growth in our yard, and a few other things. They lived in the cracks of our wood flooring, molding, and other places. Luckily we knew the flea life cycle and a few other things to conquer them naturally and with pesticides in the room that housed the dozen ducks and several dogs. We call the room "the farm room". We ended up using an exterminator outside. We were getting bit and my animals. It was awful and stressful at times. My fur babies no longer have to scratch and deal with fleas.

 Don't just start spraying pesticides in your home without knowing how to do so safely. I say that with natural remedies too because they can be harmful to your family if not used properly. Knowledge is a powerful tool-know your enemy and what is attracting them first.

Click on the graphic below to find out more and check out the other articles on the website.

I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this information accordance with the FTC Regulations


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