23 September 2021

Reading Eggs and Mathseeds Review


I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

My daughter has been hard at work keeping up her skills now that she has graduated from high school. My daughter has some significant disabilities and her learning will always be an ongoing commitment regardless of her graduating. Reading Eggs is a favorite online learning resource for her.

This time around we received a one-year subscription to Reading Eggs and Mathseeds.

Reading Eggs and Mathseeds is an online subscription program. You can use this on your desktop computer, laptop, iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.  


Reading Eggs has programs suited for various ages.


Reading Eggs Junior -ages 2-4


Reading Eggs –ages 3-7


Fast Phonics- age 5-10


Reading Eggpress –ages 7-13


Mathseeds ages 3- 9 


If you’re not sure where to start you have an opinion when you first log in to do a placement test or you just start with lesson 1 for students who aren’t reading. Reading Eggpress you will need to take a placement test. You can adjust the level at any time if needed.

I’m going to focus on Reading Eggpress. This is the area that my daughter uses. When we began using this program we started in the Reading Eggs level and worked her through the lessons. Reading Eggpress has 220 core comprehensive questions, 212 spelling words, and 2,000 plus books available in their library. With that many books, you have a great selection of genres to choose from. You can search by author, series, topic, title, reading age for the books. The books can be bookmarked also. My daughter likes to bookmark several books because she struggles to remember which books she wants to explore later. Her attention span isn’t always the greatest and she likes to jump around in books.

There are printable worksheets available. The worksheets are available for each lesson in the program. The worksheet is concise and doesn’t have fluff in them. At this point, my daughter does online learning only.  I have used them in the past with both of my kids. If I find she needs to mix up her learning or needs a different method of learning the worksheets are handy and beneficial.

You can keep track of each student on the dashboard and also receive email alerts to keep on top of their work.

 My daughter likes the interaction of Reading Eggpress and the ability to earn golden eggs to be used in your virtual world. The virtual world lets you purchase items for your apartment, animals, avatars, and other fun things. You earn the golden eggs by completing tasks throughout your lessons.

You access your lessons on a map. Each lesson you have a book and the genres vary with each map. In each lesson, you will do spelling, grammar, reading, vocabulary, and other concepts. You answer a series of questions which are multiply choice questions. You have to achieve a certain percentage to move on to the next lesson.

 Throughout your lesson, you can earn your golden eggs and trading cards.

 There are several areas to explore within Reading Eggs. I’ll just give you a brief overview of the different activities.

English Skills- phonemes are taught with a video that teaches spelling words. You have questions and a test afterward followed by feedback at the end.

Stadium-there four games spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and usage. You can choose which level to play and if you want it easy or difficult. Another feature is you can play online with others to compete against.  

Library- books galore from non-fiction and fiction e-book. There is a variety of books. Using your mouse you click on various icons around the library to find books you want to read. A feature I like is the book of the day section. 

Targets-are goals that you have accomplished like writing a review on a book, getting so many pets, completing a lesson, shopping, and more.

Mall- spend your golden eggs to buy pets, clothes, and items for your apartment.

Apartment-this is home where your avatar resides and where you can see the fruit of your golden eggs that you spent.  Your faithful pets follow you around throughout your apartment. You keep your trophies and trading cards here also.

Trophy Room- All of your trophies and stats are located here. You can even print off certificates.

Arcade- there are 11 arcade-style learning games to play. To play you just need to have a certain amount of golden eggs to play. The games are educational games but really fun to play.

Mathseeds is very similar to Reading Eggs. You have a dashboard that you can access the lessons through the map. A placement test is available for you to start at an appropriate lesson. Like all good math programs, each lesson builds upon one another and is intended to go in a sequence level.

Your parent dashboard lets you track your child’s progress. You can adjust the level to start with if you don’t take the placement test.

The lessons work with similar topics using a variety of activities. It starts out with the basics of counting, addition, subtracting, telling time, measuring, money, and other topics. You can print out worksheets for each lesson also.

My daughter has been reading about the Northern lights outside of lessons.
Below are photos of a lesson

My daughter just worked on the Reading Eggpress side. Since she has been using the program for a while she didn’t need to take the placement test.

In the past, I have always had to put a time limit on her so she can finish her other subjects too. With her newly graduated status, her workload at this time is pretty basic. I do make her start with the lessons first. After she has completed her lesson she is free to do what she wants to with Reading Eggs. I do have to help her with reading at times during the quizzes. She gets frustrated if she can’t get a high enough score to move forward on the map. I will read out the questions for her. Her comprehension is amazing and with just a tad of help, she can move forward.  She likes to have the "read to you" on with the books.  

The top report is from a year ago and the bottom one is current

I was able to look at a pass comprehension level from another review. I still see steady growth. She has increased in all areas. She is slow and steady but she is improving. The only area I try to stay clear of is spelling with her.

Mathseeds she doesn’t use. I’ve tried but she is pretty stuck on her current math program.  Her autistic mind is pretty unmovable in this situation. I've even adjusted the level for her.

I like using Reading Eggs in my homeschool and watching my daughter’s skills improve. I know that my daughter is learning and loves it.

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There are several other families that have been using  Reading Eggs and Mathseeds. Click on the graphic below to read their thoughts.



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