
17 March 2010

Planes, trains and more trains!

Planes, trains and more trains everywhere. Trains + 4 year old boy =one happy boy! My whole living room is covered in trains.(There is one airplane set off on the side, really) My nephew outgrew his Geo tracks trains and they are now Little man's. He is crazy about trains. He already owned two sets of the Geo tracks. I have never seen his mouth drop so fast and his eyes bulge so much then when I opened the container and he seen it for the first time. He told me, "Mom, this is better than the toy store!" "I didn't know my cousin played with trains."

What mom can resist having a whole living room filled with trains for this little guy! My limit expires at the end of the weekend! LOL! My poor dog is so confused and doesn't know what to do. I am sure she will eventually just plow over them and I will hear Little man crying! Our dog is a German Shepard and she will get irritated here soon.
His room is way to small to have the whole set up. We could of set them up in the basement play area. It would of been a tight fit and then I would of had to look at it for months. Upstairs it can go away and it will show up in smaller portions. I know I am bad. The thought of dog hair build up in between the tracks is to much for me. I go crazy if I don't vacuum everyday. Two days I start to go stir crazy. :(


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