
18 March 2010

All About Spelling magnetic board

My board is finally hung on the wall. It wasn't too bad the way we had it before. It slid behind our workboxes and I would just put it on an easel. I heard Merry talking about how she hung her board on the door. I knew I had a perfect spot for it. It is more convenient this way also. What's even better about mine is that I can slide it off the wall if needed. My father-in-law created a bracket for me. I wanted the ability to slide it off. Bug sometimes has a hard time standing for any period of time.

Bug is not so sure about how the letters are set up. She told me, "Mom the alphabet is suppose to be from left to right not up to down." I convinced her that it was okay like this. She still has enough room to write on the board if needed. She also informed me, "that we have never done All About Spelling in such a crazy way." The way kids think at times. Always seeing things in a way we would never see it.

If you want to hang your board but, don't have enough wall space to go horizontal-you now have another option. Remember to thank Merry for the great brainstorm idea. I am sure most of you know who I am talking about. If you would like to see what the bracket looks like let me know. Maybe I will attach that picture of the bracket later. Shalom, may you have a blessed day!


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