
13 April 2010

Frank Lloyd Wright and architecture

Bug having lots of fun. I may have to buy some of the smaller Tinker toys. I have never seen them so big before.
 Little man was amazed with the tinker toys. He did really good trying to pretend he was an architect. He is building a fire house.

 Little man's version of Frank Lloyd Wright's house Falling Water. Bug's fell apart and didn't make it home. Little man was glue happy surprisingly Bug used very little. Odd I usually have to scrap it off of her and everything else.
Our homeschool group does a Art history club once a month. We are using the Picturing America grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Three of use in the group won the grant. I am one of the recipients of the grant. We have divided the class in to three groups Pre-k-2nd, 3rd-8th, and then a high school class.
The program is an amazing quality. The pictures are large and laminated. The teacher resource book is full of information.
This particular class has been on Frank Lloyd Wright and architect. We are also using the print on the Chrysler building. The kids enjoyed making there own master pieces. Next month we will go on a field trip to Wichita State and view some of Frank Lloyd Wright's art and other sculptures at the college.


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