
21 April 2010

Hebrew lessons part 2

I think we are at the point for Little man to stop going to Hebrew class. It is now getting to hard for him to follow. I am proud of him to have lasted as long as he has. We have both learned so much. I will now just continue working with him on writing and the alphabet.

I ordered the Rossetta Stone Hebrew level 1 Homeschool Edition. I just have to finish setting it up. I am not sure if it is something that will work for him. I will see how Bug does with it and I have added the whole family in the users list. Bug and daddy already know alot of words. Hopefully it will be easy for her to learn from this program and she will catch on quickly. I will catch on quickly to the whole format. She seems to be able to pick up languages easily. Have a blessed day. May the Lord richly bless you this day.
Rosetta Stone Homeschool Hebrew 1 includes Audio Companion, Parent Administrative Tools, & Headset with Microphone

1 comment:

  1. How did you like this? We have it but we didn't use it last year. I got scared off by how fast it went! I am sure the kids will pick it up faster that I will. We are going to try and do it once a week this year. We would love love to learn and I need to just do it :)!


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