
22 April 2010

Our garden

We finally started a garden. We have talked about it ever since we moved here. I thought it would be fun for the kids to learn about how to garden. Right now they are not so trilled since all they see is a bunch of dirt. We planted the seeds and some of the plants this week. They had alot of fun doing that, then they found a rather large toad in the yard and I lost them. I don't blame them it was much more interesting than seeds.

Remembering the time it took me in the past gardening seems a little overwhelming at this point. I think once I get into gardening again it will be relaxing for me. I am sure the kids will love it when they see the plants grow and start to produce food. We have planted onions, carrots, lettuce, peas and green beans. In the coming week or two we will add the corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, zucchini, and my favorite peppers like jalapeños, Anaheim and anything I found with a kick. I wanted to add some raspberry and blackberry brushes. I think I will wait a little while to plant those. If all goes well we will make the garden larger next season. Have a blessed day.


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