
06 April 2010

The school year is coming to an end.

We only have 7 more weeks until we are finished with our school year! It seems like we just started. This year has gone by so fast. We have had a good year overall. It has been a blast studying Ancient civilizations
Granted we will still be doing some school in the summer. We got behind in our math this year. It will take me the rest of the summer to finish. I really slowed down on math this year. I wanted to make sure Ann really understands what she is learning and to master her addition facts. That has been a task for Bug this year.
I have already bought most of my curriculum this year. I just bought my Sonlight Core 2. I have been buying alot of things used this year. I still have a few things left to get.
Our homeschool convention is right around the corner. Really, I don't need to buy much from the convention. It's so much fun looking around at all the new stuff and seeing others who you haven't seen for awhile. The bad thing about looking around is that my wish list gets longer!
Have a blessed day and may the peace of the Lord fill you today.


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